Every year at OSU they shut down steam for a week after school gets out and before summer session begins. I don't know what the heck they are doing but it means COLD showers and no heat for the pool so we went to the community pool yesterday to swim outdoors in the sun and timed it so we could use the waterslide after our workout. Bill and I always make up great workouts like who can swim breast stroke underwater the farthest. Quality stuff. I forgot my camera so I stole this pic from their web site, there only a few kids there at noon so it didn't look anything like this mob scene.
Last night we jumped on the College World Series band wagon and watched the final inning to see the Beavers get another spot in the finals. Time for the Flecks to break out their BEAVER BELIEVER t-shirts we so graciously gifted to them at Xmas last year. go beavs!

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