Get your swimming news instantly

It has become the standard to include RSS feeds to every website with freshly updated content (blogs, news portals etc.) . Large swimming portals are not an exception. If you'd like to have your swimming news directly and automatically uploaded and displayed without accessing the website, RSS feeds are the way to go. To help you with that, there are a few programs that you might be interested in. Google Reader is a great application to collect all your feeds into one place or the Google Personalized Homepage keeps them nicely organized.
Finally, where do you find the swimming RSS feeds? Well, I have compiled a few for you to start out with. Otherwise, when visiting an interesting swimming site/blog, look for a little RSS button on the bottom, sidebar or top of the page.
Your swimming feeds:
Swimator Blog
Swimming World Magazine
USA Swimming.
If you live in the social sphere, Facebook or Twitter could be your source of swimming information. Most of the swimming portals are also active in the social networks. Try:
Swimming World Magazine
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