Grilled Chicken and Peach Flatbread Sandwich

A few months ago, I had lunch in a recommended tea room in Victoria and enjoyed a chicken and peach sandwich. Now that was something I wouldn't have thought to combine in a sandwich, but it was delicious!  We have been enjoying B.C. peaches 'every which way' lately, and I came up with a grilled chicken and peach flatbread sandwich which went over well!  

  • 2 naan bread
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • pesto (optional) 
  • 4 oz. mozzarella cheese, sliced or shredded 
  • 2 chicken breasts, seasoned and grilled
  • 1 peach, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1-2 tablespoons fresh basil, shredded
  • balsamic reduction, for drizzling
  1. Brush olive oil on one side of each naan bread, and arrange oiled side down on work surface.
  2. Spread one side of naan bread with pesto (if desired) and place mozzarella cheese on top.
  3. Slice chicken breasts and arrange pieces over the cheese.
  4. Lay peach slices over the chicken.
  5. Sprinkle with shredded basil.
  6. Drizzle balsamic reduction over the peaches.
  7. Top with second naan bread, oiled side out. 
  8. Carefully place on grill over medium-low heat. (Can also be done in a pan on the stove-top.)
  9. Grill about 3 minutes per side (flipping carefully), or until cheese has melted and bread is lightly browned.
  10. Remove from grill; cut through the center to serve.
Serves 2.


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