Bread For The Journey

My husband snapped the above photo of a baby crow crying impatiently for his mother
 to hurry with the food she was bringing him. 
Though he was crying - it was his very cry that brought the food 
- what mother's beak could resist that mouth? 

 I smiled looking at the photo..... and I wondered...

Do we sometimes go without because we do not 'cry' for it ?  
The baby crow did not cry because he had no 'faith' - 
oh no, he never doubted 
 that his mouth would be filled.. 

Too often we cry out to God as a last resort when we have exhausted all other options. 
Yet, maybe God wants us to be like the baby crow, 
crying out for what we need.
Impatient - yet knowing our cry will be answered.

Here the promise of our heavenly Father.....
"... Ask and it will be given you ..." 
Luke 11:9
"Open your mouth wide and I will fill it ... "
Psalm 81:10b

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