Bread for the Journey

And whatever you do, whether in word of deed, 
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through him. 
Colossians 3:17

My daughter, hearing me tell of my joy in putting together a particular photo album, commented that it seemed to her this was my way of giving thanks to God. Although I had not thought of it in that way, it did ring true in my heart and I have come to see how we've been given certain interests, not only for our own pleasure, but as a way to see God's ways in our life and a means to show our gratitude to Him.

This past week I was in line at the grocery store when the elderly man ahead of me did not have enough cash to pay for his groceries. He was just telling the cashier to take something off, when the lady behind me handed a ten dollar bill over to help him out. I stood there, thinking to myself, "Now this lady is giving thanks for what she has, by sharing it." Isn't that how we should live?

So whether you decide on a random act of kindness, set a beautiful table, crochet a blanket, bless someone with a song, fix a flat tire, write a thank you card or celebrate a milestone  ... life has endless opportunities for each of us that are more meaningful when we see our own particular service as a way of acknowledging what God has given us.

And what about when things don't go as planned?  How do we give thanks in all things?  Maybe our ultimate show of gratitude is in trusting God that He has a better plan. When others see an unwavering faith, that too is a way of giving thanks because we recognize God's power and wisdom in His perfect timing.

May I learn to allow daily small things to be opportunities to show a grateful heart ... in word and deed.

photo thanks to Jen Giesbrecht

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