Book Vandals At The Library

Book Vandals At The Library
Two mischievous boys – selfish, like to vandalise public property/ like to deface books in the library, despite being caught a few times and were punished.
Teacher – was in the library borrowing some books, caught them red-handed – one tearing pages from a book and the other scribbling graffiti in the book.
Librarian – was informed by the teacher who showed her the defaced books. She reprimanded the two boys severely and told them that their form teacher would be informed to call their parents up to pay for the two books that are damaged.
An air-conditioned library – so cosy and quiet, not crowded at that time as it was after supplementary lessons when most pupils were rushing home after a long day of lessons.
The two boys were alone at a deserted corner of the library sitting down to browse through the books. After reading for a while --- thought that the pictures of the book could be used for his project work on animals, so he tore the pages out of that book.
The other boy liked to draw and thought suddenly to draw a terrifying creature on that book to scare other readers.
Did not realise that their acts were seen by a teacher who happened to walk past them.
Caught red-handed. Face turned lobster-red. Very embarrassed of their actions. Heads hung low as the teacher reprimanded them and took them to see the librarian. Again, the librarian explained to  them what they did were offences and said that their form teacher and parents would be informed. They had to pay for the two books that were defaced.

They were repentant after their parents scolded them in front of their form teacher. Promised not to vandalise library books again.

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