Bread For The Journey

We are encouraged in the Psalms to exalt the Lord together.

During the week, while I walk I listen to praise and worship music and I listen to podcasts where God's word is proclaimed but on the weekend, I go to church with other believers to worship the Lord.

I'm glad that I can view my church messages online when I occasionally am not able to physically be with our church but something is missing when I view it alone.  

The church is the people who come together to greet one another, encourage one another, serve one another, pray with one another, love one another,  study God's word with one another, sing with one another, have communion with one another, instruct one another and even hold one another accountable.  These are things I can't do alone.  I need .... "one another".

God gave us a precious gift when he gave us the church!

May you be blessed today as you worship with one another! 

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