Things to know about Prophecy: A tale of two sisters

Final Book Cover

Basically the story is about two sisters who are born in a fantasy land with magical powers and because of the twisted nature of their fates, they are destined to fight each other to save the world from a bigger danger. 

But you guys should read it not only because of the plot alone. Here I will be stating five reasons of why should give this book a chance.

 It belongs to the fantasy genre: The fantasy genre generally deals with daily problems using magic and mystique. It puts a different perspective on our daily chores and produces a lot of “what if”s. Fantasy genre is a great escape from reality. It is an adventure to a relatable yet different world. And since this book is set in a fantasy world itself, whether written poorly or good, it may not solve all your problems but it sure will at least relieve you from the stress of daily life.

 It is short: Most of the time, the books in a fantasy genre tends to be long and in series. However this is a standalone book that roughly has about a hundred and fifty pages. It is a very quick read. 

You don’t have to invest a lot of time or brainwork into comprehend the story fully. Since it’s quite short, you can easily put bits and pieces of it in your work schedule and finish it off quickly. You won’t even feel like that you have wasted any time reading it even if you don’t like it.

It gives fair importance to characters irrespective of gender: Even though both the protagonist and antagonist are females, it does not neglect the complementary male characters. It gives a fair share of “screen time” to all the characters that are important for the plot of the story. Hence, I don’t think my fellow male classmates will feel neglected or looked over while reading this book.

The story does not divert from the plot into a romance: One of my biggest pet peeves while reading a fantasy book is when the plot completely diverts from the original story and plummets into a cliché love triangle or whatever type of romance. Okay, I understand the emotional appeal of it but I certainly hate it when it’s all about the love interest and nothing about “saving the world” with which the story originally started. This book does not follow that trope. Yes, there is some romance, however, that is just a subplot and does not affect the original story greatly. Thus, you get a book that keeps its promise.

The author is your fellow classmate: And if you think that the previous reasons were not alluring enough for you guys to pick this book up, I would like to tell you that the author is none other than the one standing here bragging about this book for the past four minutes. Yes, guys, this book is the result of three years of my hard work. 

I made the rough draft of this book back in class nine. By the time I reached to class eleven, that is college first year, I had already edited this for a thousand time and made it more detailed. Mind you, I had to do everything from writing to revising to editing all on my own because here in Bangladesh no one helps you in the publication industry unless you are popular enough and that struggle is a lot more difficult when it’s written in English.

Okay granted, this book will not feel like something a Nobel Prize winner will write but I can clearly assure you that this will also not feel like a total time waste. It is also quite cheap and you can easily buy from the internet.

Read the book. I am open for all kinds of criticism on the book. Thank you.

P.s: This is the edited version of a Persuasive Speech I wrote for class.

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