Brocccoli seeds germination

Broccoli is a one of the vegetables of cabbage family.It is not only a vegetable it also contains many vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and also regard for cancer fighting food.It contains anti- oxidants which help the body to fight disease.


pH range :6.0 - 6.8
Light :Full Sun
Soil type : light, dry, well-drained soil
Life cycle : Annual
Zones : 3 to 10


Most important:Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather.


Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimeter, and fill  seedling mediato within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost . Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) . Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

 Sow seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before average last spring frost. Keep soil warm (about 75 F), until germination. Then keep plants around 60 F. Provide direct sun so plants don’t get leggy.

Can sow  directly on ready  soil  as soon as you can work the soil. Will germinate at soil temps as low as 40 F. Plant ½ to ¾ inch deep, about 3 inches apart. Thin to final spacing by plucking few plants from  the bed.

Broccoli grows best in full sun and where the soil is slightly acidic—with pH between 6.0 and 6.8—fertile, and well-drained, yet consistently moist and rich in organic matter. The right pH and the organic matter help ensure that nutrients, particularly essential micronutrients like boron, are readily available.

The Brocccoli usually sprout within seven to 10 days.Transplant when plants have four or five true leaves about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at the them 15 to 17 inches apart on ready ground with same depth  were they  growing at previously. When planted in the garden as a seedling plant Broccoli grows well. For gardening in rows, set the transplants 18 to 24 inches apart within the row and space the rows 24 to 36 inches apart. Be sure to set transplants slightly deeper in the ground than they were in the pot.Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

Use low nitrogen fertilizer at planting but too much nitrogen fertilizer may cause hollow stems. As Broccoli is a  heavy feeder, so work in two to four inches of rich compost before planting.
Plants have shallow root systems. Avoid even shallow cultivation. Mulch to protect roots, reduce weed competition and conserve moisture.Use floating row covers to help protect from early insect infestations.

Row covers may be useful on small plantings to help protect plants from early damage and this  protection from pest insects, but the best protection is to grow healthy plants. A hard stream of water can be used to remove aphids from plants. Wash off with water occasionally as needed early in the day.Putting a hot cap over the plants gives them a good start in the spring and will protect them from a hard freeze.Once the plants get well rooted, they grow fast in the cool spring temperatures.


1. Broccoli helps to reduce cholesterol.
2.Broccoli works as anti - cancer in our body.
3.It contains high level calcium which is very helpful for bone problems. 

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