Wisteria flower seed germination tips

Wisteria is the climbing tree for the English cottage garden. A good wisteria is an absolute joy in May and June when the beautiful, scented pendants of flowers drape from the branches in a breathtaking display. Most of the time the gardeners find these climbing plants a little daunting.It is very difficult to that pruning and training just feels far too complicated. It’s a shame because it’s not as tricky as you might think - in fact wisteria is actually very easy to grow. By the correct care these long-lived twining climbers will reward you with many years of pleasure in your garden.


1.If the cottage garden you own has a fence needing some spring blooms and fragrance, you may wish to think about the addition of Wisteria.

2. It's perfect for covering a blank wall and, due to its heavy leaf growth, includes a perfect shade source for a pergola or arbor.It is best known for its quick growth, most plant species may be invasive if not pruned upon a consistent basis.


There are two more common varieties available are Wisteria Florinda( Japanese Wisteria) and Wisteria Vines (Chinese wisteria).

Prepare a seeding tray or individual pots with potting mix. For indoor flowers, add some compost. Plant the wisteria seeds 1/4-inch deep and cover them lightly with soil. Be sure to moisten the soil.

At first we should nick wisteria seeds then keep it stay  for 10 to 12 hours. .We always have to use diluted fungicide water

 Fill up your planting cells with a seed starting mix. Saturate the soil, allowing it to drain off. Place two wisteria seeds in each planting receptacle and cover with no more than 1/4 inch of the seed sprouting mix.

Keep your wisteria seeds in a room in your house that has ample light and warmth. Inspect the seeds each day. Germination time for wisteria seeds is sporadic; it can require 10 to 30 days before you will see any sprouts.

Once your wisteria seeds have sprouted and are 4 to 5 inches tall, with at least two sets of leaves, decide if you want to plant them directly into the ground, or in other growing container, such as barrels.

You have to Fertilize the wisteria seeds every few months after the vine starts to grow.

Wisterias need pruning twice a year in July/ August and again in February.

WATERING -Wisteria often need appreciate some extra water between July and September. This is when the buds are formed for next year’s flowers. If they run short of water during these months this can reduce your display in the following summer.During the germination process, keep the seedlings well watered. Germination should occur between 10 and 20 days, although some varieties will take longer.

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