Basil seed germination tips

Holy Basil, the “queen of herbs” is the most sacred of all the herbs found in India. There are three variants of Tulsi; Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, and Vana Tulsi. Each of the variants has its own distinctive taste. The parts of Tulsi generally used are its leaves, seeds and dried roots.Commonly known as “Tulsi” or “Tulasi” (Hindi) in India, the basil plant is a leafy herb belonging to the mint family. The scientific name of Tulsi is 'Ocimum Tenuiflorum'.

Season: Warm season
Exposure: Full sun

Plant space : 9-12"
Height :6- 12"

1.It helps to recover our fever, common pediatric problems like cough, cold diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to Tulsi juice.
2.They help in reducing the pain caused by measles, chicken pox, and small pox. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief.
3. A concoction made by boiling basil leaves in water can be taken as a drink or used for gargling to get relief from a sore throat.
4.Basil leaves taken with honey keeps chicken pox at baby.

SUNLIGHT: Basil grows well in warm environments that receive about six hours of sun each day midday sun.

SOIL: Basil does its best in well-drained, moist soil with a neutral pH. Add a rich compost to the soil at the beginning of the season. Not much more soil amendment is necessary. In fact, if the soil is too rich, basil loses some of its flavor intensity.


1. Do not sow seeds on Rainy day or in a cloudy weather

2.You will definitely end up with nothing, wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather.

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