Science In Sport 2km Swim Preperation Guide

Science In Sport 2km Swim Guide now available to download for free

A new e-book released by Science in Sport offers swimmers a comprehensive guide to swimming prep, taking you through all the steps necessary to get you ready for a 2km swim in the ocean.

Aimed at keen swimmers as well as those who want to improve their ability, the guide contains plenty of advice on eating, training, preparing, and recovering.

Image of swimmer blowing bubbles whilst swimming: Science In Sport 2km Swim Preperation Guide Book Cover
A Comprehensive Prep Guide For A 2km Ocean Swim
Science in Sport’s 2km training guide begins with a rundown of nutrition, from the importance of carbohydrates and hydration to how timing can affect the way you train and swim.

The e-book also gives you useful guidance on swimming techniques, so you can maximise your energy and effort without tiring yourself out too soon. It then moves on to training, with sound advice on setting up a training plan and routine for both long and short swims, as well as how nutrition and recovery ties in to your training.

A section on race day has vital information on both nutrition and tactics, from carb-loading to finding your rhythm in the water, and the bulk of the guide finishes with all you need to know about your post-swim recovery.

However it doesn’t end there – you’ll also get a fully comprehensive training plan that spans over four weeks, taking you through all the warm-ups, drills, sets, and cooldowns the professionals use.

With all of these easily available, you can be sure of a world-class performance next time you go for a dip in the pool!

Download your Free ebook here.


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