Universal Germination Guide

                                       Growing your Seeds

Most important:Avoid  Rainy day or  a cloudy weather .
You will definitely get nothing, wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather.
If you got problems of Rats then take care of them because they will dig and eat seeds and you will never know what happened or they will cut and eat your seedlings in early stages

Apply for all kind of Fruit, vegetable seeds and Flower seeds (excluding Exotic Fruit Variety). For best germination you have to place your seeds in refrigerator for about 40 to 50 days. This will destroy all unnecessary micro organisms. After this start germination process ending the Dormancy period.

Now prepare your soil for seeds :
 1.Coco peat Sieved
 2. Sand Sieved 
 3. Fungicide (Bavastin etc.)

You should make Professional quality Seeding mix for Best germination. Follow the below steps.

1. Prepare fine Coconut powder by filtering with a stranner and dry on direct on sunlight.

2. At the time of filterring can get two types coconut fibre and seperate with another basket.

3. Use thik coconut fibre on the bottom of our sowing pot . They will be works as a stranner can controol water flow and also protect coconut powder flow out from bottom of pot.

4. Use water mixed fungicide (Bavastin etc.)  chemical for watering dry coconut powder until it's soaked. To protect the baby seedling fungicide chemical is very important .Through this prosses the roots will be nice.
Secret Tips for tiny or very small seeds :
Try to use a mix of half virgin forest leaf soil for better germination if the seeds are tiny.

Mix 80% Coco peat & 20% Sand Sieved. After mixing add Fungicide 1 gm / 2.6 Kg.
Now your seeding mix is ready. Coco peat is basically fine cut coconut outer fiber because of its great ability of holding water (moisture), helping proper seeds germination providing air space for the roots, light in weight and easy to handle makes it the best soil less germination media for seeds in modern horticulture industry. Today almost all commercial growers in the world use this as growing and germination medium, because it sterilized it does not contains any fungus that can kill or destroy seeds at germination and at seedlings early stages. It is very easy to find it on any garden stores or nursery. It’s sold as solid compressed blocks of many weights and sometimes in prepared ready to use condition, starting from 1 Kg. to 5 Kg. Cost of Coco peat is around 30 to 50 Rupees per Kg. depending on the quality. 1 Kg. of Coco peat block will become about 4 to 5 liters in volume. After buying, you just have to add water to submerge and wait for 20 minutes, it require a rater big container from its size because it expands almost 4 to 5 times in volume after getting moist. Please as for how to use instruction from the seller.

Follow below these  steps :

Use a Seeding tray or soil seedling pot : Put seeding mix then put one seed in every Cavity about 5mm deep (not too deep and not to shallow) Cover it with seeding mix è place the seedling tray in semi shaded place.

Use a flat tray like container about 10 inches by 15 inches (biggest or smaller your choice) 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage è put the seedling mix you prepared up to almost top leaving about 0.5 inches space è now evenly spread the seeds over it after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 0.5 cm (half centimeter) è water it by watering can è place the container in semi shaded place.

Watering tips : Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.

Very Important : After sowing the seeds in coco peat for best germination cover the pot with clear plastic  rapper until they are germinated. Remove the plastic once in 2 days for about 20 to 30 minutes to have a good air circulation (do not give water if not needed). After that, again cover the pot with the clear plastic rapper , this will act like you are using a Seeds Incubator. It helps a lot to maintain humidity, raises temperature and protects seeds from rats and birds.

Important tips about Coco Peat : It may look as the seedling mix is dry from outside but it will be wet from inside. Always check the seedling mix by scratching it by hand that it is wet or dry from inside.

Watering it on need base so check regularly for watering. Do not spray over water .

After seeds germinate you will wait till seedling get more than 6 leaves. Then after you need to transplant the plant where you want. Remove your seedling from tray. Make sure that whole seedling mix is also removed from the tray with your plant. Do not try to remove seedling mix from the roots. Take them out as a whole otherwise root of plant loose moisture during transplantation. Spray fungicide and insecticide every 20 days as per need, fertilize every 20 days that’s you got healthy plants.

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