Custard Apple (Sugar apple ) Germination & Health benifits

Custard Apple is a semi-evergreen tree. The average height of this tree is 8-10 meters. Their leaves can be 10-20 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The flowers are greenish-yellow and are about 2-3 cm in diameter. The fruit sizes vary. They can be 8-12cm depending on the species and climate. Ripe fruits are brown-yellowish. Very sweet in taste. 

This plant is now abundantly found in many tropical countries like Bangladesh, India, Chaina, Philippines, Egypt, Australia, Pakistan and Africa but it is believed to be a native of Central America. 

They like warm, frost free climate and humidity. 25oC - 28oC temperature are good for them with 70% - 80% humidity level. They like summer-rain. They grow best in sandy well-drained soil. Planting is mainly done during rainy season.


1. Prepare a seedling tray with vermicompost and sand or make a soil bed.

2. Soak the seeds in water for 48hours. Then wash them thoroughly with bare hands.

3. Sow three seeds together and spray fungicide water.

4. In case of soil, spread coco peat over the seeds. Or else, put wet paper on top o it.

5. Water after every 2-3 days.

*Temperature should remain between 18-25 degree Celsius.  
Dig a  big hole, 12 inch diameter and 1 feet deep on ground and  throw out soil  outside. Fill soil, collect from outside surface and  mix with organic vermi compost (cowdung +bonemeal powder+hornmeal+ neam cake  powder )

Now  sprinkle dialoted fungicide(SAAF) water top to bottom. 

 250 gm vermicompost enough for baby plant


Health benefit of eating this luscious fruits are- 

· Vitamin C: Custard apple contains anti-oxidant vitamin C, which fights free radicals thereby preventing diseases. This vitamin is also known for its innate anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties. 

· Vitamin A: Keeps skin and hair healthy. It is good for eye sight. 

· Potassium: Potassium boosts energy level & helps to fight muscle weakness. 

· Magnesium: Magnesium helps to maintain water balance in the body. It is good for arthritic patients as it removes acids from joints. Prevents heart-attacks. 

· Copper: Works against constipation. Copper being a part of hemoglobin is highly recommended for pregnant women. Copper contribute towards formation of melanin, which prevents premature gray-hair 

· Fiber: Fiber helps in smooth digestion and eases constipation. It is good for diabetic patients. 

· Iron: Iron helps to cure anemia. 

· Niacin: lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. 

· Vitamin B6: Helps fight stress, tension, irritability and depression. Improves brain health 

· Calcium : Good for bone health 

Sugar apple also helps under-weight persons to gain weight. This fruit may be used as substitute of milk. It Controls Blood-Pressure. 

Nutritional Facts of Custard Apple 

Every 100 gram of custard apple contains the following nutrition s: 

· Calories (80-101) 

· protein (68g) 

· Fat (0.5g) 

· Carbohydrate (20g) 

· Fiber (0.9 g) 

· Calcium (17.6 mg) 

· Phosphorous (14.7mg) 

· Iron (0.42 mg) 

· Carotene (0.007 mg) 

· Thiamine (0.075 mg) 

· Riboflavin (0.086 mg) 

· Niacin (0.528m) 

· Ascorbic Acid (15 mg) 

· Nicotinic acid (0.5 mg) 

· Vitamin B6 (0.6 gm) 

Medicinal Uses of Custard Apple 

· The paste of the flesh is beneficial to treat boils, abscesses and ulcers. 

· The dried crushed parts of custard apple are good in curing of diarrhea and dysentery. 

· Eating custard removes expectorants. 

· The bark of the custard apple tree is used for herbal medicine because it contains astringents and tannin's. These medicines helps to cure cancer and tumors and its also used in treatment of toothache and gum pain. 

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