Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

  Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) produces deep-purple flowers that open during the day. When grown on trellises or fences, the vine can reach 6- to 10-feet tall and provide a living privacy screen. Morning glory is an annual plant that can readily reseed itself; so it often returns each year on its own. Starting morning glory seeds indoors about six weeks before you plan to transplant the resulting seedlings into the garden, however, ensures you'll have enough plants in the desired locations.

Common Name -Morning Glory Purple
Seed Life Cycle -Annuals
Light Requirements -Full Sun
Flower Color -Purple, White
Mature Height -Vine to 96 inches (8 feet)
Bloom Time -Summer to fall
Soil Moisture -Average, Well Draining
Soil Type -Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil
Zones -1 - 10


1.Grow annuals in a sunny, sheltered site. They need a lot of sun.

2.Plant in moderately fertile, well-drained soil.

3.Choose a site that is sheltered from cold or drying winds.

4.Sow Morning Glory seeds early in the season once the ground has warmed to 64 degrees F.

5.File the seeds just long enough to break the coat and soak them for 24 hours before planting them. (They look like little worms.)

6.Cover lightly with 1/4-inch of soil. Space about 6 inches apart. Water thoroughly.

7.Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer after planting and monthly.

8.Support climbers and trailing species.

9.Morning glories are low-maintenance. Water during dry periods.

10.Mulch to retain moisture and avoid weeds.


The outer seed coat is hard, so nick the seed coat of each morning glory seed with a razor blade or knife so the lighter, inner seed coat is visible. Soak the seeds overnight in a bowl of warm tap water before sowing then germination will be improved .

Sow the Morning Glory seed into the moist soil and cover the seed with ¼ inch of soil. Cover each pot with clear plastic. The plastic will help to retain soil moisture.
Try to cover peat pots with clear plastic wrap or place in a tray with a dome lid to help keep the moisture in.
Fill 2-inch diameter seedling pots with potting soil. Place the pots on a drip tray. Water each pot's soil until water drips from the pot's bottom. Allow the pots to drain for one hour. Empty the water that collected in the drip tray.
Set the pots in a location that is 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove the plastic from the pots when seedlings emerge from the soil, which usually occurs within 7- 14 days after the seeds are planted,and set them in a sunny window or out side under shadow.

By the end of April, the days are warm enough that time is  for  start hardening the seedlings off by putting them outside in a protected area for a few hours each day. Gradually, after several days,  leave them out longer and longer. By about the 10th day.  Leave them out overnight.
After being hardened off, the Morning Glory seedlings are ready to transplant.
Prepare the soil in the flower bed or garden where the seedlings are being transplanted. Add some organic matter while you are working the soil.
Dig a shallow hole large enough for the transplant. Keep the seedlings in the peat pot, but need to  tear the peat pot down an inch or so before planting. Cover and fill in the hole with the soil. Make sure the soil covers the peat pot completely, and press the seedling in, firming the soil around it. Water well.

EARLY CARE: Once the seeds sprout they put on rapid growth. Morning glory vines don't require tying to the support to climb, but you might need to guide the first shoots onto the support so they can grip it. The plants need about 1 inch of water weekly from rain or irrigation, or enough so the top 6 inches of soil remains moderately moist. Covering the bed with a 2-inch layer of mulch after the plants begin to climb helps retain moisture. Morning glories don't require fertilization or pruning, but you can pinch back the growing tips of each vine once they reach the top of the trellis to prevent further upward growth.

IMPORTANT WATERING USE : Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.

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