Treating Root Rot
Treating Root Rot
Overwatered grass at times , seems not only to recover later . The entire plant leaves begin to yellow and dull slippery slope toward death . The question which they try to lay down the fields of irrigation, but there is no advantage is seen. Chances allow the root system .
Two root - overwatered long exposure poverty conditions roots can someone dies . Dying can begin to rot . The red killing healthier roots can be spread equally , even if soil conditions are corrected .
Fungus in the other is the origin out of the ground . Fungus can lay dormant in the soil indefinitely and can only flourish when suddenly the most once or twice overwatered . Root rot the roots die mushroom
How Does Root Rot Look Like? :
If you are unsure as to whether it may be of the root of the root of a plant to look at him in great surprise what the man ? If the yellow leaves to wither and for unknown reasons, the body gradually want to check the roots . 'Be taken up and feel the seed of the land, the roots. The roots of the root affected black look and feel mushy . Literally fall to plant roots can be affected by touch . Healthy roots can be black, or pale reddish brown, but grow strong and flexible it is .
Treatment of Root Rot :
Whether the problem is more overwatering or one overwatering root fungus that causes flare red, need to act quickly. The treatment plant root as soon as possible to give the best chance to survive.
Begins to treat the plant by removing the water under the earth and wash the roots. Affected as far as it is the root and the offspring alone, to wash away, while they were a lighter of the plant.
Continue with sharp, clean shears or scissors to cut any of the affected roots. But if you are going to the root, so that a significant amount of the work to remove the root system, and if it is affected. If this is so, the third to a half, and the world in the grass of a pair of scissors cut the leaves of alcohol or the scissors. This leaves many plant roots to grow better chance with the support they need.
He was taken away in a pot of earth, placing of the root in the grass. Moreover, the street of the solution, wash the pot.
If possible, immerse the remaining healthy roots in a fungicide solution to kill the possible root fungus. After treatment, the root of a plant, the plant repotting mix with clean potting soil.
He has good drainage and water container plants dry soil safely. While the grass roots Renewable do not fertilize the plant, as this will stress it. Lest again, in a system of the force of the root to be treated. Hopefully now the plant will recover to get back to your beautiful Jerusalem houseplant.
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