Adenium Germination Step By Step Guide

The perfect media Coconut powder is neutral, not too acid or base and also can keep the moisture longer and no water draining. Below are the steps how to of sow seeds with this methods.

1.Collect  vermicomposed and fresh  sand .Now sieved with  a strainer mixed with .Take a well drain  seedling tray. Or prepare fine Coconut powder by filtering with a strainer and dry on direct on sunlight.

2. At the time of filtering can get two types coconut fiber and separate with another basket.

3. Use water mixed fungicide chemical for watering dry coconut powder until it's soaked. To protect the baby seedling fungicide chemical is very important .Through this process the roots will be nice.

4. Use thick coconut fiber on the bottom of our sowing pot . They will be works as a strainer can control water flow and also protect coconut powder flow out from bottom of pot.

5. Now cover the fine coconut fiber .

6. Use small amount "Organic Fertilizer like fish fertilizer ", and this fertilizer will help the baby and younger seedlings and also them growing stronger and healthier.
Please do not use chemical fertilizer to just boost up the growing rate but it can weak themselves in future growing.

7.Cover again with fine coconut fiber.and spread again good fertilizer (Do not use more)all over the coconut powder .

8. Cover with small amount fine coconut powder again.

9. Now Watering them and watch until you see water come down from bottom of pot .

10. Now make s different row for sowing the seeds.

11. Use the clipper lightly to put each seed in each row very gently horizontally.

12.Use tag ,name and date for your identification .

13. Cover it with dry coconut powder again ,and keep the distance about 1 cm height.

14. Again use water until top coconut powder just getting wet .15. Use the rapper to cover pots and place them in the shade for a week.

16. Open the pot cover after a weak ,and new baby seedlings growing up from media . Some times they take 8 to 10 days .

17. Spread again light fertilizer all over seedlings. Hope you will enjoy.

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