Take Care Of Your Bulb

Flowering Bulbs are an easy way to add splashes of tropical color to your garden.Plant them as a border, in containers or cut a few for creating a gorgeous bouquet. These bulbs prefer a sunny, sheltered spot and should be protected from frost in winter, either by mulching or lifting and storing. With spring, summer, or fall bloom times, these effortless bulbs are sure to keep your garden and containers brimming with brilliant colors and intoxicating fragrances month after month, and year after year!

Steps to take care and maintain the bulbs:-

1. Water the Bulbs after planting to let the plant develop roots and to set the soil.

2. Water every week after the plant starts flowering if the rainfall is not adequate enough in your area. But do not over, water.

3. Remove Foliage from the bloom when it has dried up (when it turns yellow) or it has died and withered.

4. Provide Support To The Bulbs that have weak stems and cannot support themselves taking care not to damage the bulb.

5. Cover the flowerbed with a layer of Mulch that helps to retain the moisture of the bed and cools the plants if there is too much heat.

6. Uproot a bulb and store it away to protect it from frost and replant it when the weather is adequate.

7. Check time to time to see if there are any bugs or diseases. There is a high chance that beetle larvae might exist in the soil because of the huge roots.In that case, apply some kind of pesticide and fungicide.

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