Mimosa pudica sensitive magical plant
Mimosa pudica (from Latin: pudica "shy, bashful or shrinking"; also called sensitive plant and the touch-me-not), is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value:
Pretty puff-ball flowers of pink and fern-like leaves that quickly fold once touched: the sensitive plant is a wonder of the plant world. A tender perennial that becomes semi-wood yin frost-free regions, it is often short-lived and is most popularly grown as an annual.The leaves are bright green to gray-green in color and are shaped like a four-fingered hand.
Sowing Temperature : 20-26C
Growing Temperature : 18-40C
Grow up / Flower days : 60days
Height when grow up :20-30CM
Color Of Flower : Pink
So Called Sensitive Plant, Because The Leaflets Floyd Up In A Most Spectacular Manner When Is Touched Or Blown By The Wind. Run Your Hand Over The Plant And The Leaves Will Fold Up And Return To Normal Condition In A Few Minutes. Favor To A Sandy Well-Drained Soil. Keep Soil Damp But Not Wet. Do Not Exclude Light. Overwinter Indoor And Temperature Above 10C.
Use a flat tray like container about 10 inches by 15 inches (biggest or smaller your choice) 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage- put the seedling mix you prepared up to almost top leaving about 0.5 inches space - now evenly spread the seeds over it after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 0.5 cm (half centimeter)- water it by watering can- place the container in semi shaded place.
Step 1 :
Fill a pot with water that equals five times the seed volume and bring it to a boil on a stove. Check the temperature of the water with a cooking thermometer, and when it reaches 176 degrees Fahrenheit, remove the pot from the stove.
Step 2:
Place the mimosa pudica seeds in the hot water and stir them for up to two minutes with a spoon before draining the liquid.
Step 3:
Fill a bowl with lukewarm water that's between 86 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit and soak the seeds in it for 24 hours. This per-treatment is called scarification and alters the hard seed coat, which increases the chances of uniform germination.
Step 4:
Fill a pot with moist seed-starting mix up to 1 inch from the top, place the seed on top of the surface and cover it with a 1/2-inch layer of the mix. Tamp down lightly and moisten the surface with a water-filled spray bottle to avoid washing away the seed.
step 5:
Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a dimly lit area of the house. Lift the plastic daily to check that the soil is moist. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic. Expect germination within three to five days.
Step 6:
Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area over a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight.
Step 7:
Transplant the seedlings outside to an area with full sun and well-draining soil after three to five months, when the seedlings are about 8 to 12 inches tall.
IMPORTANT WATERING USE : Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.
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