Awesome Tips & Inspiration from Running Coach Lisa Maclean!

Another insightful, useful and inspirational running article from Dolphins Health Precinct's Lisa Maclean who is hosting the DHP Jetty2Jetty Running Program 2015.

Words by Lisa Maclean

For those of us contemplating running the Jetty2Jetty we have already dusted off those running shoes of by now!! The exciting news is we all have a goal - from just finishing one of the distances to trying to smash a PB, and all goals are achievable if you believe in yourself!! 

I hear from different people “I would love to be able to do that” and my reply is always “but why can't you?” The old saying of “If you change how you think then you will change how you feel and what actions you take” is so true, once you believe anything is possible. 

Training is the fun part - firstly we get the beautiful bay as our backdrop and breathe in the fresh air, secondly it's all about experimenting with our fitness and mental strength without any pressure at all. Mental strength is the toughest strength to build, we can all build strength in our muscles by following a program but how to we follow a strength program for that little voice in our head called “doubt” - somehow that little voice seems to win… But we need to step outside that comfort zone and turn that “doubt” into “believing”.

When you hear the words “I could never do that” turn it into “why can't I?” If you know you can run a 5km already then why can't we aim for finishing the 10km run? The possibilities are endless!!! We are 8 weeks out - plenty of time to start assessing our goals. 

My tips would be:
  • To make sure your shoes are suitable for you, remember your shoes are your tools when you run they protect your body from the impact and ensure you are landing correctly and who wants to have sore feet while you are running?
  • Also remember to warm up and cool down, a good warm-up signals to your body that it will have to start working soon. By slowly raising your heart rate, the warm-up also helps minimise stress on your heart when you start your run. So you should start your runs with a brisk walk. The cool down allows your heart rate and blood pressure fall gradually, so it's important that you end your run with a slow 5-minute jog or walk, also ensure you stretch those muscles out.
  • One more tip would be to keep correct posture; improper upper body form can lead to pain in your arms, shoulders, neck, and back. Try to keep your hands at waist level, right about where they might lightly brush your hip. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle, with your elbows at your sides. Keep your posture straight and erect. Golden rule would be keeping your head up, your back straight, and shoulders level.

All in all keep training positive and fun! Take all pressure out of your head and remember “your race - your rules” if you feel like walking to catch your breath then why not? If you feel good and think you can break down that comfort zone and pick the pace up then why not?

Ohhh I love this time of year when there are more people out running on the footpaths giving each other a big encouraging smile and sharing the same passion for running!!!

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