Common Names: Globe Amaranth, Strawberry Fields Globe Amaranth, Bachelor Button.
Life Cycle: Half hardy annual.
Native: South and Central America.
Growing Region: Zones 3 to 10.
Flowers: Summer to autumn.
Flower Details: Magenta, red, purple, white, lilac, pink. Ball shaped. Flowers look similar to strawberry fruits.
Foliage: Oblanceolate. Green, Blueish-green.
Sow Inside: Soak seeds for one day.
Germination time: One to two weeks in the dark.
Temperature: 70°F (21°C).
*Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors following the last frost.
Full sunlight. Good drainage. Soil pH 6 to 7. Average soil. Drought tolerant. Provide a light feed at the first sign of blooming. Pinch tips.
Full sunlight. Good drainage. Soil pH 6 to 7. Average soil. Drought tolerant. Provide a light feed at the first sign of blooming. Pinch tips.
Getting Gomphrena to Germinate.The Winner Is: Heat Mat – seeds slightly covered with soil.
In three days the gomphrena on a heat mat germinated. Five of six have germinated. It also appears that the seeds slightly covered seemed to look at bit better. Only two of three seeds left on top of the soil have germinated at this point. Note that since I only have one heat mat, I had to put the seed pack on top of milkweed seeds that were on the heat mat.
Note – Trying to simulate the heat mat by using lights directly on top of the plastic cover and filling the tray with 1/4″ of water. The water should absorb the heat and help create the heat mat effect -Results – heat only got to 73 degrees.

If starting off Globe amaranth indoors then first soak the seeds for a day, then sow into pots. Germinate Gomphrena at a temperature of 21 to 25 degrees centigrade in the dark. Transplant the globe amaranth seedlings into the garden following the last frost.
Caring for Globe Amaranth
It is easy to look after globe amaranth and other Gomphrena species. When they are young pinch back the tips to encourage branching; this will result in bushier Gomphrena plants. Once flowers break from their buds give a light feed.
Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.
1. Do not sow seeds on Rainy day or in a cloudy weather
2. Wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather
3. Please check forecast before sowing the seeds on the website
Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.
1. Do not sow seeds on Rainy day or in a cloudy weather
2. Wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather
3. Please check forecast before sowing the seeds on the website
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