Free Swimming Lesson Plans On Offer And How To Keep Them Dry

Free Swimming Lesson Plans

Everybody likes something for free.

Well I'm happy to oblige.

I have created some Free Swimming Lesson Plans, covering age groups from 6 months to 3 years and I'm offering to you in exchange for your email address.

They have actually been available for a while now and even though I have not posted about them they have turned out to be quite popular. Amazingly so actually given that I hadn't advertised them at all and I thought I was the only one who knew they were there after I posted them.

They are on a single sheet so that they can be laminated and taken with you to the pool.

If you do take them to the pool I have a suggestion to help maintain the integrity of the laminated sheet.

Laminated anything always seem to be waterproof but I only wish that were true. Water still manages to get in. I gave up a long time ago trying to find away to avoid that. Not only does water get in of it's own accord, the more you use it the more the bond holding it together weakens.

So unless you are going to have the sheets held somewhere that you can both see it and not let it get wet then keeping water out in the long term is a lost cause.

My solution is very simple and doesn't actually keep your Free lesson plans dry. What it does do is keep them from moving about too much so that even getting wet means they don't get destroyed.

All I do is put the laminated sheets on a kickboard.

Simple huh!

You will still have to replace them from time to time as over time they will get moldy. But a new one every couple of months or even couple of weeks is way better than an every day.

You can dispense with the laminate altogether if you can have your very own kickboard or its equivalent. As long as you keep it permanently on the kickboard and don't touch the paper, put it under water or let the anybody touch it, it will keep for a good while. It may not last as long as the laminated sheets but it is way cheaper.

You can test this idea out when you Downloading the Free Lesson plans.

Don't forget to let me know what you think of them. Positive criticism only please and any positive suggestions will also be welcome.


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