The Perfect Herb Omelette

Why do we think this is the perfect herb omelette? Try it for breakfast and you will find out!

Serves: 1
Time to prep: 5 minutes
Time to cook: 5 minutes

  • 3 fresh free-range eggs
  • Sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs such as chives, parsley, basil, marjoram

  • Place the eggs in a bowl and lightly whisk to combine. Season with sea salt and some freshly ground black pepper.
  • Place the butter and oil in an omelette pan or a small frying pan over medium-high heat (the oil prevents the butter from burning as the pan needs to be quite hot). When the butter starts to froth, add the egg mixture and, as the base begins to cook, use a fork to draw it aside and allow the uncooked egg to run beneath.
  • Continue doing this until the omelette is set but still soft.
  • Scatter the herbs on top, fold over one side of the omelette and carefully ease onto a plate.

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