The following guidelines will help you check your writing for spelling, usage, mechanics and grammatical errors before submission.

1) Have you spelled your words correctly?

2) Does each sentence end with a punctuation mark?

3) Are coordinating conjunctions (and, but, so…) in compound sentences preceded by a comma? Have you used commas to set off items listed in a series, after introductory clauses, and so on?

4) Have you used apostrophes to show possession or to mark contractions?

5) Is all dialogue or written conversation properly punctuated?

6) Do all complete sentences begin with a capital letter?

7) Have you capitalized the proper nouns-names of people, places and things?

8) Have you misused any of the commonly mixed pairs of words: there/their/they’re; accept/except; than/then?

9) Have you used any words, phrases or sentences that may confuse the reader?

10) Do your subjects and verbs agree in number?

11) Do your pronouns agree with their antecedents?

12) Have you used any sentence fragments, run-ons or rambling sentences?

13) Have you chosen an appropriate title if one is needed?

14) Is your paper labelled correctly with your name and class?

15) Does your writing meet the requirements?


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