Forms of Energy and Their Uses

Form of energy
What it is

Energy of moving things
*        any moving object
*        wind
*        running water
*        waves
*        to generate electricity
*        for transportation
*        for recreation

Energy that enables us to see
*        the Sun
*        burning of fuels
*        to light up dark spaces
*        to capture images
*        to project images
*        for communication

Energy that feels warm or hot
*        the Sun
*        electrical equipment
*        burning of fuels
*        to cook food
*        to dry clothes
*        to keep warm
*        to kill germs

Energy that we can hear
*        vibrating objects
*        sirens
*        alarms
*        musical instruments
*        for communication
*        for entertainment

Energy carried by an electric current
*        batteries
*        power stations
*        solar cells
*        to enable electrical equipment to work

Form of energy
What it is

Energy that is stored by an object
*        springs
*        rubber bands
*        can be changed to other useful forms of energy, like kinetic energy

Energy that is stored by an object
*        objects above the ground, on top of a slope, or hanging from something
*        can be changed to other useful forms of energy

Energy that is stored by an object
*        food
*        batteries
*        fuels  
*        to give us energy to do work
*        to enable electrical equipment to work
*        can be burnt to provide heat / light / electrical energy

Question to ask
Form of energy
Is there movement?

Would you see it in the dark?

Is there an increase in temperature?

Does anything happen when you turn on the switch?

Is there any kind of sound?

Is the object above the ground or on top of  a slope?

Is it food?

Is it a battery?

Is it a type of fuel?

Is it a spring or a rubber band?

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