Description of People or Place

Description of People/ Place

Old People
1.       The wealthy old man was always in earth tones casual wear complimented by hip aviator sunglasses that perched coolly on his nose.
2.       The aged chairman strode purposefully into the boardroom. The clacking of his walking stick thundered along the hallway and everyone bowed to acknowledge his presence.
3.       The senior citizen had a throaty voice that was very intimidating.
4.       Although the old dancer was not as agile as before, he could still do a decent tap-dance that sounded like a band of percussions jamming away.
5.       Grandmother spoke in an antiquated manner with her feminine voice.
6.       Grandmother lovingly fingered the photographs that had turned yellow with age and reminisced with Grandfather their fond memories.
7.       Her gnarled fingers clutched desperately at her time-worn purse, unwilling to surrender its meagre contents to the robber.
8.       The senior citizen was in the pink of health and she could do brisk walking without breaking into a pant.
9.       Unable to withstand the long hours, the old lady’s fragile body finally caved in and surrendered.
10.   Time was extremely kind to Grandfather as he aged graciously like a barrel of fragrant red wine that was kept in a cellar.
11.   The old lady was exceedingly quarrelsome and when her tirade starts, her saliva shoots out of her mouth like bullets.
12.   The retired policeman had the nose of a guard dog. With his experience, he could easily sniff out all the shady characters loitering around the neighbourhood.
13.   My old neighbour never left her house without her signature scent which was a heady mix of medicated ointment and flora perfume.
14.   The obnoxious old man was not public conscious as he blew his noise into the sleeve of his shirt and spat on the floor.
15.   Grandmother pursed her lips and gave me silent disapproving looks when she saw me in my mini-skirt.

1.  The starry-eyed teenager went after her idol fanatically even dressing like a man to look like her idol.
2. The boy’s cherubic cheeks chilled to a pasty green and his round eyes lost their radiance when he fell sick.
3. The stout boy wore oversized clothes which emphasised his short legs and accentuated his lack of height.
4. Casting all consciousness to the wind, the children shrieked and yelled freely as they were merry-making at the beach.
5.  There was an agitated vociferation from the children when the teacher piled up their holiday   homework.
6.  The child behaved frivolously at a formal dinner and all the guests were aghast.
7. The young child swallowed hard to suppress the overwhelming sadness and tears that were     threatening to gush out from his eyes.
8.  The children felt the crunch when their father lost his job and could no longer afford the toys they want.
9.  The cautious boy was very jittery as he went through his exam papers with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that there were no careless mistakes.
10.  The arrogant boy thought very highly of himself. He quaffed the compliments that were paid to him and hung his nose high up in the air.

1.       Everything was covered in dusty grey as the school was undergoing a facelift.
2.       The stentorian voice of the principal boomed out across the public announcement system, stopping everyone in their tracks.
3.       Test papers rustled as they were passed down the rows in the tense silence of the examination hall. The clickety-clack of the teacher’s heeled shoes echoed down the aisle.
4.       During recess, the canteen was in a chaotic din, with all the students running around and playing.
5.       The whole class roared a live with mischievous jokes and jovial laughter the second the teacher turned her back and sauntered out of the classroom.
6.       A sense of nostalgia overwhelmed him when he took a walk down the memory lane in his alma mater.
7.       The PSLE students felt their hearts palpitating nervously as they waited for their results in the very same school hall that they took their exams.
8.       Apprehension swirled like winter chill amongst all the students as they waited for the arrival of the class’s new teacher.
9.       When the notorious boy challenged the teacher’s answer, awkwardness hung in the classroom like an invisible cloak stifling everyone.
10.   She felt her throat go dry with her escalated anxiety when she stared at the list of exam questions that seemed so foreign to her.

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