Book Review -Ramayana - The Game of Life: Rise of the Sun Prince!

Its after long I'm reviewing a book ...... hectic work schedules, change in lifestyle after wedding and city and having not read a book in a WHILE might be one of the main reasons :D.

Today I read new novel "Rise of the Sun Prince" by Shubha Vilas. A personal note from the author on the front page of the book is so welcoming ! This book is refreshing and revisited version of our Hindu mythological epic Ramayana.  As an Indian, I've read Ramayana several times since childhood and thanks to our television channels Ramayana has been aired so many times in so many different modernized versions that I know the stories well. Also, our grandmothers and mothers have never failed to bring out and highlight some or the other story from there as per the situation or as childhood bedtime stories !
What is different in this book then? This book extensively covers minute teaching and moral background of every emotion or action or event following every emotion/action/event. And a good part is that the moral and self provoking thoughts are shared as part of foot notes so as not to interrupt the flow of the story (as there are so many). The reader can also enjoy a separate chain of thoughts inspired by the moral/emotional interpretation. This was the most impressive and clever form of writing . The writer has thus ensured that people revisit the epic story and touch base the Indian roots and also learn something out of it (which was the prime cause of writing these epics in the first place). The story is written in a very basic rustic tone adding simplicity and pleasure to reading! The narration is also well elaborated hardly missing out any detail of the event or character which makes it easier to visualize and relate to it .

All in all, I would recommend this book to all the young generations who haven't had a chance to know about the legendary Ramayana to read this book and get mesmerized by Mythology again ! I would give it a 3.5 stars. :)

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