Michael 2 - Demons 1

After the success at track last Tuesday where I managed to silence my demons http://smoker2triathlete.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/learning-to-suffer.html it was time to see if this new strategy could lead to a new PB for 5km.

So on Saturday I went to the Blizard Physiotherapy 5km breakfast run. No pressure but out of 2 visits I have set 2 new PB's. My last visits resulting in my first sub 25 minute 5km http://smoker2triathlete.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/i-am-serious-runner.html

So I drove over to Bircotes to the clinic and met up with the rest of the runners.

We jogged to the start line a little over a mile away. The weather was a little on the chilly side but with no wind. Nearly perfect conditions to set a new PB.

I had decided not to ask someone to pace around the course to see what I was capable of solo. After all I race solo.

The course of the breakfast run is a 3 loop course and at the start of each lap there is an incline to contend with. The difference in height is 40 foot but this incline occurs over 0.4 miles. It's a slog of an incline, not hard but just goes on and on.

Before we started I asked #runboss what to do. His words. "Stick it in zone 3 and suffer". We set off and I worked up the first incline to  elevate my HR to zone 3. I was zipping along. I even overtook a runner from track who is normally a lot quicker than me. I was flying. After my HR was in the right zone I backed off a little to stabilise it.

The first lap flew by and my first mile was completed in 7:02. Where did that come from? My previous one mile PB was 7:35. Wow. I really was flying.

My second mile was tough mentally as some people overtook me. I didn't fell like I slowed drastically but I must've done. Second mile completed in 7:29.

I was on for a PB by a considerable margin. Time to suffer for one last lap.

So I dug in and kicked on. Time to silence those demons. After I rounded the final corner I saw everyone who had finished and they started cheering me on. Time to dig in. There were 150m to go, I was not in a good place but I was doing it. I was beating those demons in my head.

I crossed the line in 23:12. I had set a new PB. I was elated.

The hard work I have been putting in recently was starting to pay off. My time for 5km was 22:53. I am now a member of the #sub23 club.

The congratulations I received on Facebook for this was humbling especially given the calibre of athlete who were congratulating me.

I was so relieved to beat 23 minutes. This was what I wanted from the attempt.

So after Tuesday the score was

Michael 1 - Demons 0

With saturdays PB

Michael 2 - Demons 0

However now we arrive at today. I had a 13 mile threshold run planned but was feeling tired, had a niggle in my right foot and my calves felt really tight. I went for my run but bailed after 3 miles. I just wasn't feeling it, so listened to my body and came home.

So here I sit writing and feeling sorry for myself as I didn't have the mental strength to complete my planned run. I was averaging 8:30/mile pace which I was pleased with but my calves felt extremely tight. I didn't want to risk injury so stopped but in truth I think the heat and my demons got to me.

Never mind. I'll chalk that one up to experience.

Onwards and upwards.

Lets do this,


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