Dolphin Bites Girl at Discovery Cove

Captive Dolphin Aggression

dolphin attack

At SeaWorld Discovery Cove in San Antonio, Texas, a dolphin attacked and bit a nine year old girl on the arm.
Apparently the dolphin clamped onto the girls arm as she was attempting to pet the cetacean. Mexican dolphinariums such as Dolphin Discovery, Delphinus World and Dolphinaris have successfully covered up similar incidents, involving captive dolphins injuring customers, but SeaWorld has not been so lucky.

The incident took place on the 22nd of February at SeaWorld Dolphin Discovery Cove, and marks the 3rd publicized incident of a captive dolphin biting a childwithin the last two months. The dangers of interacting with captive dolphins have been highlighted in numerous scientific reports, and also demonstrated in various incidents involving aggressive behavior and attacks on dolphinarium customers.

Dolphin Trainers Ignore Aggressive Behaviour
Many customers of dolphinariums such as Dolphin Discovery report having felt threatened or intimidated during interactions with captive dolphins. Though most signs of aggression such as tail slapping are laughed off by dolphin trainers as playful antics.

dolphin aggressionIt has been reported that PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) has requested that the US Department of Agriculture launch an investigation into the report of a captive dolphin attacking and biting the nine year old girl in SeaWorld San Antonio, Texas.

Jeff Kerr the General Counsel for PETA said "It is stressful enough for far-ranging dolphins to be locked up in SeaWorld´s tiny tanks, but forcing them to interact with visitors is downright dangerous", Jeff also added that "SeaWorld´s Dolphin Cove is another example of how the park´s main priorty is profit, not the welfare of the animals or the safety of its guests.

Recent events of frustration manifesting into aggression by captive dolphins is further testament to the fact that people interacting with captive dolphins presents a real danger. Yet dolphinariums like Delphinus World, Dolphinaris and Dolphin Discovery continue to not just ignore but, cover up signs and incidents of aggression towards their guests.

Where is the Line Draw 
angry dolphinIt is well documented that captive dolphins are deprived of food in order to facilitate obedience, and subjected to punishment such as starvation and isolation on a regular basis. This coupled with the confines of captivity leads to high levels of frustration and aggression in captive dolphins, and which will inevitably lead to similar or more severe attacks, bites and injuries amongst dolphinarium guests.

It is understandable why dolphin parks continue to allow guests to interact with cetaceans despite the obvious dangers based upon the financial rewards but, it is still puzzling why parents not just allow, but also encourage their children to place themselves in such danger. It seems that the most pressing questions are "how long until somebody gets seriously injured or killed, and with whom will the blame lie?"

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