Relearning to swim

I know I bang on about my swimming background and it being my best discipline but it is. I can hold 1:33/100m in the pool quite easily and my PB for 1500m stands at 23:48 from Leeds Triathlon.

I mean there must be something there for me to be #firstoutthewater in a local race and 5th out the water  at Leeds Triathlon.

But I always knew there was room for improvement. After all I've had no analysis of my stroke since I was 14. Yes I dabbled with masters swimming last year but quickly got disheartened when there wasn't that much technique coaching so I sacked it off.

In early 2013 I got followed on Twitter by Alan Rapley.

Alan who? I hear you ask.

Alan Rapley was the captain of the GB swimming squad at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. He swam in the 4 x 100m freestyle relay and in the process swam his 100m in 49.76 seconds. Which is insanely quick given the World Record currently stands at 46.91 seconds a full 17 years after Atlanta.

Thats a length of freestyle in 12.5 seconds or 2m/s. So in summation I like to think he knows his shizz.

Anyway Alan contacted me about him holding swimming camps and I was interested as I wanted to improve. Due to a lack of uptake his planned course last year fell through. However since then he has been promoting his business more and finally today I got to go on one of his courses.

I've been giving Alan banter on Twitter as he guaranteed a 10% improvement over the course of a day. Now if he managed this my PB for 1500m would be 21:25 which is good for an Olympic swim. How could I not be interested in getting quicker. After all isn't that what we all aspire for. To be the best we can be?

So I rocked up thinking I could swim. Well yes I can swim but I meant I thought I could swim well.

The course ran something like this
  • Introductions
  • Discussions about swim sets and coaching
  • First swim including video
  • Analysis of the video and lunch
  • Dryland swimming
  • Second swim including video
So I got in the pool and did my thing.

I was doing 15 strokes and taking 7 breaths to cover the 18ish m pool consistently. I wasn't that bothered about time at this point.

When we had our stroke analysed I was shocked at how ugly my stroke was. I know what efficient swimming looks like from my BTF coaching course where we watched a video of Jono van Hazel. See below.

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