Performance Testing checklist

I read a few days ago the Performance Testing Checklist from the site and remembered about an old intention of creating a checklist with elements of a load test.

My last performance testing project was probably 2 years ago so the following info comes from memory.

I only worked on load and performance testing for web apps and web services so far.

The checklist applies to both with minimal changes.

If you prefer a mindmap to a long checklist, this is the link to it.


  • What will be measured?
    • application (web pages) response time
    • throughput
    • server resource utilization
  • Pass/Fail criteria
    • PASS: system performance during performance test <= baseline system performance
    • FAIL
      • system crashes during the load test
      • system becomes un-responsive
      • system performance during load test > baseline system performance
  • Benchmark the system's performance under highest production load
    • web pages' response times --> from Google Analytics
    • server resource utilization --> from the Server Monitoring tools
    • highest production application load
      • busiest times of the app --> from Google Analytics
      • highest number of concurrent users --> from the web server logs

  • Define user scenarios

    • get the most used pages from Google Analytics
    • create a few user scenarios using the most used pages
    • identify parameters of each page
    • create test data for the parameters of each page

  • Issues to be monitored
    • application becomes not responsive
    • application generates lots of errors under load
    • the servers resources are heavily used
    • application's response time is very high
  • Performance testing environment isolation from production
    • confirm that none of the components of the performance testing environment are used in production


  • Prepare test data
    • Extract data from the production environment
    • Modify it for the performance test
    • Generate enough test data so it will not be re-used fast
  • Performance test environment
    • Application Environment
      • Application Servers
        • Web Servers
        • Database Servers  
        • Media Servers
        • Search Servers
      • Networking devices
        • Load Balancer
        • Firewall
    • Performance Testing Environment
      • Performance Testing Servers
        • Management Server
        • Agent Servers
  • Application Server Monitoring
    • Web Servers - Performance Counters
      • CPU
      • Memory
      • Disk
      • Network
      • Operating System
      • Web Server
      • Application (.NET)
    • Database Servers - Performance Counters
      • CPU
      • Memory
      • Disk
      • Network
      • Operating System
      • DB counters
  • Application stability before the performance testing
    • Run complete functional testing of the app
    • Confirm that no critical issues are present
  • Create Scripts for the performance testing user scenarios
    • Wait time between scripts steps
      • random times
      • script recording times
    • Create transactions for script steps
    • Create parameters in the scripts and connect them to the test data
    • Synchronize users in the script
  • Remove any 3rd party dependencies' impact on the application
    • 3rd party dependencies
    • banners
    • partner sites
    • google analytics
    • point all the 3rd party domains to
  • Identify browsers and bandwidth types to be used for scripts
  • Set up the model of loading users (user ramping)


  • Start monitoring of the application environment
  • Start the performance test
    • Let the performance test go for a long time
    • Stop the performance test
  • Collect results
    • Performance testing tool reports
    • Server performance counters
    • Web logs
  • Analyze the results by comparing them with the baseline info
  • Report issues
  • Fix issues
    • Make changes in the application environment
    • Fix code bugs
    • Fine tune the performance testing scripts
  • Repeat the performance test

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