How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Naturally: Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Eye Circles
How to Get Rid Of Dark Circles Naturally
Under eye dark circles appear because of several reasons such as various health problems, heredity, and lack of sleep, dehydration, or even allergies to certain airborne substance like pet dander, pollen and dust. Age makes dark circles even worse. With age, facial skin thins, allowing for the discoloration of dark circles to be seen more easily. Most of us at some point or another will deal with this bothersome condition of dark circles under our eyes, they are nothing new but can spoil the beauty of your face. Dark eye circles look worse if you have eye bags or puffiness under eyes. Are you looking for ways for getting rid of the dark circles under your eyes? Over-the-counter products may help diminish black eye circles. Look for skin care creams that contain vitamin C or K, alpha hydroxy acid and kinetin for removing puffiness and dark pigmentation under eyes. You can also try some natural homemade remedies to get rid of under eye dark circles.Photo Credit: Retinafunk via Compfight cc
Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes
Reducing the dark circles can often be achieved with a few simple home remedies. Here are some simple natural remedies that can be used to easily get rid of these dark under eye circles. You don't have to buy expensive skin care products if you follow these alternative skin care remedies and tips to remove dark circles.1. One of the useful home remedies for dark circles under eyes is almond oil. Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks for removing dark patches under eyes naturally.
2. Fade dark circles from under your eyes with grated potatoes. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which can lighten the pigmentation causing dark circles around the eyes.
3. Rose water also acts favorably in treating under eye circles. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and place it over the eye for about 10 minutes. It cools your eyes and helps in removing dark pigmentation.
4. Cucumbers act effectively against dark eye circles. Cut slices of cucumber and chill them in the refrigerator. Close your eyes and cover your eyelids with cucumber slices for about 10 minutes. This is one of the best home remedies for removing under eye black circles.
5. You can also apply a mix of milk cream and saffron to your dark eye circles. Soak a few strands of saffron in milk cream overnight and make a paste of it. Apply this paste to your black eye circles. Massage the mixture around your eyes for some time before rinsing it off.
6. Tea bags are one of the best natural ways to reduce dark circles around your eyes and puffy bags under eyes. Cool two chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, dampen with cool water, lie down and place tea bags over eyes for 10-15 minutes. This is an effective home remedy for removing dark circles and puffy bags under eyes.
7. Mix tomato juice with same quantity of aloe vera gel to apply in to the darkened areas two or three times a day. This eye mask freshens up dull skin instanteously and helps erase dark circles under the eyes. This is another effective homemade remedy to lighten your dark circles.
8. You can use Vitamin E capsules for dark circles removal. Crush a few vitamin E capsules and dab a small amount into the skin under your eyes, being careful not to rub or pull the delicate skin around the eye area, as this can give you wrinkles under eyes.
9. The best natural way to get rid of under-eye circle is to get proper sleep. Try to get at least of eight hours of sleep on a daily basis. Sleeping with a pillow under your head would reduce puffiness.
10. Hydration plays a big part in reducing dark circles, so make sure you're drinking enough water through the day. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Water keeps your skin cells healthy and vibrant by keeping toxins out of them, thus helping rid you of your under eye bags and dark under eye circles naturally at home.
11. In very rare cases, discoloration under the eyes may be due to lack of vitamins. B-vitamins, iron, vitamin C, and Vitamin E are essential for healthy skin. Intake of foods rich in these vitamins is one of the best natural methods to reduce dark circles under the eyes.
12. Always use sunscreen on your under eye area when stepping out. Sunglasses rated with UV400 and using a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 is the perfect combination to prevent dark circles, eye wrinkles, and sagging skin under eyes.
Dark circles under your eyes can make you look tired, even when you're not. Home remedies help you to get rid of those dark circles under your eyes naturally and fast. You can follow any one of these natural remedies to reduce the appearance of dark under-eye circles easily.
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