How to maintain your Lawn

Everyone enjoys a beautiful green lawn. From children to adults, everyone will get the chance to enjoy it at some time. Whether it is during children’s parties, social gatherings, special occasions or just to have a soak in the sun (when it is out!), lawns never go a miss.

Whether you have grown your own lawn, or had someone lay down turf for you, you want to ensure that it stays looking beautiful and healthy. After all, it has taken time and effort to grow, and has of course cost money. So the last thing you want to see is a brown, unattractive lawn which is going to make your effort, money and time seem wasted.

Maintaining your lawn can keep your lawn looking as beautiful as it did on the first day. However, how exactly do you do this? This article will focus on ways in which your lawn can stay looking beautiful and thus keep you happier.

Once your lawn has fully grown (if you have grown your own) do not use fertiliser repeatedly. As we all know, there are many issues where fertiliser is concerned. Using fertiliser too often is going to make your lawn susceptible to disease, killing off your lawn, which is definitely not what you want. Fertilisers also attract insects, which are then going to gnaw away at your lawn. It is recommended that you use fertiliser once a year, during the autumn season is best.

When buying fertiliser, you need to ensure that the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium is right. A ratio of ten to six to four is ideal, since you should never use fertiliser which contains more than ten percent of nitrogen.

Taller grass is healthier grass, so change your lawn mower setting to ensure that your grass is not cut too short. Three and a half to four inches is ideal! Taller grass is going to shield any weed seeds from the sun, meaning that they will not sprout and grow. Taller grass also keeps the soil cooler, meaning that it will be moist for longer, which is only going to help your grass grow and remain healthy.

Avoid using pesticides, insecticides or fungicides to your lawn. Whilst they claim to keep your lawn pest free, they also kill off living organisms which you want in your soil. These include worms which aerate the soil (keep oxygen trapped in the soil) and therefore keep your soil richer. By maintaining your lawn in the ways mentioned in this article, you will not feel the need to invest in any pesticide etc.

If the weather is so hot during the summer that your grass begins to look brown, do not water it every day. Yes, do NOT water it every day! It is recommended that you water your plants deeply but not as often. For example, watering your lawn for an hour once a week is better than watering it for five minutes every day. If you have a sprinkler, set it on light spray and allow your lawn to become fully saturated.

Adding lime to the soil once a year can make all the difference, especially in the west where acid rain is common and frequent. The lime will balance the acidity and neutralise conditions. Liquid lime solutions can be bought from garden stores, department stores selling plants or seeds and can even be purchased online. You could even make your own lime solution, meaning that you will not have to spend a lot of money to keep your lawn healthy and acid free.

Voila! Green, healthy lawn!

About the author: 
Grace is an expert in the field of gardening and maintaining lawns. Stay tuned for her tips on flower decorations .

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