Sweet Vanilla Custard Tarts

  • 24 wonton wrappers
  • 2 teaspoons caster sugar
    • Custard
      • 1/3 cup caster sugar
      • 2 1/2 tablespoons custard powder
      • 2 cups reduced-fat milk
      • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
      • 150g cherries, quartered, stones removed
      • Sprinkle of icing sugar, to serve

  • Step 1
    • Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a 12-hole, 1/3-cup capacity muffin pan. Lightly brush 1 wonton wrapper with cold water and sprinkle with a little sugar. Place another wrapper on top crossways (so it looks like a star). Ease pastry into 1 muffin hole. Repeat with remaining wrappers and sugar. Bake tart cases for 15 minutes or until crisp and golden. Allow to cool in pan.
  • Step 2
    • Make custard: Meanwhile, combine sugar and custard powder in a medium saucepan. Gradually add milk, whisking constantly until smooth. Add vanilla. Place over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 to 10 minutes or until custard boils and thickens. Remove from heat. Cover surface of custard with plastic wrap. Allow to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Step 3
    • Half-fill tart cases with custard. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until set. Top with cherries. Dust with icing sugar. Serve.

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