How to Prevent Blackheads


Blackhead is a common skin problem. The skin problems like blackheads can be treated using home remedies. Read on to find tips for preventing blackheads.

Blackheads are like acne and appear on the skin. Hence, acne treatment and prevention measures are useful to get rid of blackheads also. Before we get into prevention and treatment of blackheads let us first understand what blackheads are.

What are Blackheads?

Blackheads are minute amounts of bacteria and dirt which get accumulated in the pores of the skin. Blackheads are also known as comedones. The blackheads may also be caused due to collection of oil under the skin in which case it is referred to as acne vulgarize. Generally, noticed in the T-zone i.e. chin, nose and forehead where the hair follicles get clogged, blackheads are not easy to control.

Tips to Prevent Blackheads?

Prevention of blackheads requires almost the same kind of skin care which is required for other skin issues like pimple and acne. 

To keep away majority of skin problems the first thing you must do is to ensure that your skin is free of bacteria and dirt as far as possible. Needless to say, this is easier said than done since most of us are exposed to heat, light and sun for at least a few hours every day. 

Blackheads cannot be washed away by simply washing the skin. Skin specialists recommend that you wash your face 2-3 times a day with plain water. Blackheads treatment is not easy and it is not something that you can get rid of instantly. Treatment often requires a lot of time. For example, the deep pore treatment is very popular for getting rid of bacteria responsible for blackheads. While some people manage to get rid of blackheads easily after undergoing this treatment others may require long treatment which may last for months.

Natural Remedies for Blackheads

To prevent and get rid of blackheads naturally here are a few things you can do. These are completely natural remedies which are devoid of any harmful side effects. However, people suffering from allergies should be cautious and consult a doctor before trying out natural cures on their own.

Skin Cleansing - Wash your face gently every day with a mild cleanser and warm water. Soaps contain chemicals capable of worsening skin conditions like acne and clogging the pores further. Hence these are best avoided.

Skin Exfoliation - Gentle skin exfoliating creams are available in most cosmetics stores these days. To get rid of excess and dead skin cells makes use of an exfoliating cream which contains natural ingredients. Read the product label carefully to figure out the ingredients the cream contains. 

Avoid Using Make-Up - In case you are prone to getting blackheads use make up sparingly. On rare occasions when you need to use make-up, use a hypo-allergenic brand. Remove your make up completely and wash your face with a cleanser without fail before retiring for bed 

Avoid Spicy Food - Stay away from spicy and oily foods. Replace these with foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots, cantaloupe, and such other orange/ yellow colored vegetables and fruits. 

Avoid Picking or Squeezing Blackheads - Never make the mistake of picking or squeezing blackheads if you get them. This will worsen the skin condition and aggravate the skin inflammation. 

Apply Raw Garlic - One of the simplest natural remedy for removing pimples and blackheads is to apply raw garlic on it.
Tea Tree Oil and Cinnamon Remedies - Tea tree oil and cinnamon are two excellent herbal remedies to get rid of pimples and blackheads. Tea tree oil is can be used on all skin types. However, make sure to dilute it before applying directly on the skin
Blackheads can be prevented provided you are willing to devote your personal time and attention to care for your skin. To prevent blackheads from developing, following a skin care regimen which helps in reducing the amount of oil on the skin's surface is an absolute must. In case the blackheads persist even after you give natural remedies a try, you may have to consult a qualified dermatologist and seek professional treatment to prevent skin damage and scars.

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