OT Web Gems- RSS edition

Here are some items that I had recently starred on my google reader feed and am now finally getting around to sharing. I think that on the sidebar, where I have OT & related blogs listed, you should be able to see my starred items. Here's some of the best things recently!

Jamie Oliver tells David Beckham et al to be responsible for their advertising. I could write a lot on this, and might sometime in the future. Oliver basically called out athletes who were schilling for fast food, soda, and junk food companies as contributing to childhood obesity. Whether they like it or not, athletes in the public sphere are role models, and if they are endorsing poor food choices, this could have an effect on the kids. On the other hand, I understand where an Olympic athlete who doesn't get a lot of publicity or sponsorship opportunities might feel compelled to take whatever monies that are available to them.

Linda brought up the issue that internet and computer use are now BADL. Without computer access, people may be unable to pay their bills or even access government forms. Are we accurately assessing and treating deficits in this skill?


Special-ism had an article on helping kids with Asperger's develop more flexible planning strategies. I thought this was a very practical way to approach the social skills issue of rigid thinking and planning.

The PT think tank discussed how learning and knowing has changed in the digital age. There are definitely benefits in the shift from memorization and having more access to information, but we have to make sure that our analysis and synthesis of information is not lost. Ultimately, you will never be able to discuss the full implications of a research article in 140 characters, so you still have to be willing to do some legwork for EBP.

Mothers in Medicine discussed sharing medical advice via social media, and where a physician's responsibility ends. This is a great topic I would love to see explored further. We all see people displaying questionable medical choices on Facebook or IRL, and at what point do you have to step in? How does your interference fit with ethical and legal principles? A great point of debate for those interested in medical professions and social media.

Color-coded interaction badges from a conference were discussed in the Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. I thought this was a good idea for a conference to let people know how to approach you, and a cute take to think about how that would work in normal everyday situations.

Autism Daddy (clearly a member of the sandwich generation) discussed the agony of dealing with his father's worsening Parkinson's disease. Sadly, his father has passed recently, but this look back at a family perspective of diagnosis with a degenerative condition and navigating the health and nursing care system is worth a read.

Lastly, Abby posted a TED talk on early detection of autism. I wish that I watched more TED talks, they seem to be a great thing, but between my terrible video card on the tiny lappy and my TV habit, I have a hard time getting around to it. I will get around to watching this one for sure.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on any of these 8 stories!

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