Less than 50 days to go.......

Well in 49 days I will have completed my Olympic distance triathlon in London.

Bit daunting that considering when I started this blog it was 237 days away. Where has the time gone?

I'm not worried in the slightest as I know I'm stubborn enough to complete it.

Since my triathlon I have been finding it really difficult to motivate myself into training. This isn't due to laziness but is mostly due to me being stupidly busy this week.
  • On Monday I drove to London so didn't train.
  • On Tuesday I drove back home so didn't train.
  • On Wednesday I went to the Canoe Slalom K1 final at Lee Valley so that meant a drive down and back up in one day, but I had  an awesome time visiting the venue which I managed the construction of.
  • On Thursday I had a days holiday to recover but flew around the North doing bits and bats. More on this later.
  • On Friday after work I managed to do my first bike ride since my triathlon, again more on this later.
  • On Saturday I went to watch the Ladies triathlon in Leeds and then had to do some photography in the afternoon.
  • And finally today I had house chores to do and the day disappeared.
Thursday was a hectic day even though I had the day off from work. I had a dentist visit in the morning as I had been suffering with toothache and then I went to buy a balance board as my PT said it would help strengthen my weak ankles and this was before I had my double falls during the triathlon.

I then drove to Nottingham to visit TFN and as usual I got a superb service from the guys there. It is amazing the quality of service you get in this shop. It is no wonder that the store have been voted retailer of the year for every year since 2007 by 220 Triathlon.

I went to buy some tribars with my birthday money from my Grandma. The staff in the shop fitted them for me there and then and let me try them out before I purchased them, how good is that?

They even videoed me using them so I could check my position. Like I said amazing service.

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