If I'd left the reservation after 4 days straight training, I must have let the planet as I've done 6 days straight

6 days straight training. What was I thinking? Oh yeah my first triathlon is in 37 days that's what. This is a sprint distance so the primary aim of the next months training is to be able to run the 5k. I can rulk (my new catchphrase for run walk) 5k in about 35 minutes but I want to be able to run it as this is the biggest challenge for me.

I have had quite an even split this week training wise since my last post.

I have completed

  • 2 swims (one open water, one pool based) totalling 2.26km
  • 5 runs (including one brick after a bike ride) totalling 22.42km
  • 2 bike rides (including one brick before a run) 23.26km
Not bad for a weeks work even if I do say so myself.

To break this down (and in case anyone wants to monitor routes or metrics etc)

Saturday - gym day including 3.04km on treadmill (20 mins @ 8.5km/h) and 0.9km in the pool

Sunday - run with PT in the AM and again she made me feel better about my running. She upped the intervals and now I am running 4 lampposts and walking one or two. I did about 1.5km at running 8 and walking one but got a little tired. So I think that will be the challenge next time. Lunch with the Brother and Sister in law followed. Then I went on a bike ride when I got in. I don't think this was my best move as I wasn't in the mood and after 9km got a puncture. And forgot my puncture repair kit. Harumph.

Monday - Had a good trip back from the office and decided to brick some training. I decided to do one lap of my usual route on the bike and follow this with a run. Felt a bit weird running after the bike but I need to get used to it.

Tuesday - Quick run once I got to London after my training course so that I could complete the run leg of my #12xIronman challenge.

Wednesday - I got convinced to go to the open water swim run by RG Active at Ham Lake, which was a little out of my way but worth the trip. Again I had an amazing time and was made to feel really welcome despite me being the "newbie". Learnt a lot and I know I have a lot to work on in the pool. I learnt that my pace is up there with the best but I do not have the fitness to sustain that pace. I managed to stay with the coach and the other fastest swimmer until the first buoy when told to go hard. But hit a brick wall between this buoy and the second and had to stop for a rest. A bit disappointing but a valuable learning experience for race day. I also learnt how invaluable Bodyglide is as I ended up with a nice friction burn on my neck after I applied it to quickly and missed a spot. 

Swimming in open water was described as claustrophobic by one of the swimmers but I really didn't get that, I find it a lonely but peaceful existence. I also learnt that standing after swimming a long way makes you go a little light headed. That should be fun for my transitions. NOT.

Thursday - I was feeling a bit tired but decided to train after work and went for one rulking lap of Regents Park. The pace was ok (similar to last week) but I felt really tired. Need to learn to utilise rest days as I don't think 6 days straight training was my best idea.

All the links above take you to the Garmin website as my Garmin 910XT has arrived. What a wonderful piece of engineering this watch is. The amount of metrics it produces is amazing and I haven't even scratched the surface. It can time a triathlon including transitions. It can tell you how efficiently you are swimming. It is mind blowing really that all this data can come from a watch not much bigger than a normal wrist watch. I'm finding it really useful for pace control when running.

If you are into triathlon and have a spare £300. BUY BUY BUY is my recommendation.

What else have I been up to. Went to Total Fitness in Nottingham and genuinely what a well run store it is with very knowledgable, friendly and helpful staff. I bought some hydration products and some calf compression. If you are ever in Nottingham the shop is well worth a visit. My purchases can be seen in the photo below.

On a side note, what is up with this freaky weather, one day brilliant sunshine and the next rain and strong winds. It's bizarre and will be hampering my cycle training for this weekend. Looks like some long sessions on the turbotrainer for me.

I think I have motivated myself to doing a 70.3 triathlon next year and am tempted by the Mallorca 70.3 in May. RG Active are taking a team out and have already booked some hotel rooms. I think I may be asking for one of those. I am still planning on doing this for HHHO and am relishing the challenge even though I still have to complete my first two triathlons.

I had an epiphany during the week. I am not doing this quest to compete at triathlon, I am doing it to complete the triathlons and if a charity benefits from my pain then all the better in my eyes.

My sponsorship is creeping up and I am now confident I will reach the £1000 target. Remember every little helps and you can sponsor me through Justgiving or by texting NSMK50 £x to 70070.

Thanks for reading,


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