BLDSA Champion of Champions 9 mile swim 2012
Sat 16th June 2012
(Pic: Boy Sheridan - come in no. 21...9 miles to go)
(Pic: Triangle course - can just about make out the yellow buoys...)
Once out, think I gorged on too much food as nailed a sandwich, crisps, 2-3 bananas, 2 mars bars and a litre of maxim. Made me feel pretty snoozy sitting down in the sun…Noticed that Keith Bartollo was loosening his shoulders using one of those elasticated bands and he let me have a go which will become an interesting addition to my swim bag to help loosen up after swims. Tried not to switch off too much as there was a whole deal of swimming ahead.
Registered, briefed and went in for the 6 lap 3-miler which seemed to drag and the leg along the harbour wall was feeling colder as this was now in the shade and tide still not assisting. Managed to get through and was told I did a time around 1hr 45m which seemed reasonable to me given the fact we had already swum 5 miles beforehand and this wasn’t on a millpond. 10 mins later was still shivering from the cold when were told we were going in for the final 1 mile in 10 mins. This was the lowest and coldest I felt all day.
(One of the starts...very civilised and not as mad as some of those triathlons you see on the tele...)
We got counted through by the starters for the 1 mile and all of the people around were shivering and there wasn’t much talking going on. A few of us were giggling and hid from the formidable wind behind Philip Yorke the brave breaststroker for the day who displayed a great deal of courage to nail the 5 miler into those waves. We eventually were told 30 secs to start and all dived into the water….cold again…quick get moving.....and once off gave it the absolute kitchen sink to get around the 2 laps as fast as possible to nail this swim. On the 1st lap was in a group of about 6 of us who were trundling along and then at the beginning of the 2nd lap noticed there were just 2 around me. I then focused on burying my forehead as deep into the water as possible and breathing as close to the water to maintain a decent pace. I then lost the 2 as we headed for the finish. Was chuffed that I’d been able to give this absolutely everything after 8 miles already in the bag.
So, back to the shingle beach in front of the sports centre for tea and medals – nailed 1.5 litres of hot choc and then with super efficiency the organisers presented us with our certificates of completion along with glamour shots for the photo wall.
When I got home I re-read the programme to get another perspective on why I entered this event (other than training for Loch Lomond). The blurb Leslie Du Cane wrote had it summed up perfectly;
'Long-distance swimming is about individuals setting themselves challenging targets and achieving them...' I think the sense of achievement once these targets are met seem to make one glow for a considerable time and furnishes one with confidence which conveniently sits with us in daily life..nice one Leslie......
(Picture of Boy Sheridan with Swimming legends Kevin Welsh and Philip Yorke waiting for certificates and planning next piece of self-inflicted unrelenting mayhem)
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