April Challenge: email a legislator
For this edition of Web Wednesday, I invite you to send a brief email to a legislator. Advocacy is an incredibly necessary part of practice, and one part of that is simply cultivating relationships. So take today to reach out to a state legislator, congressperson, or senator.
Visit AOTA's Legislative Action Center to find your federal representatives and get quick contact information. This page will also give you a brief update on any relevant OT issues before the house and senate. States should have a link to individual representatives, if you live in Maryland, click here to find your state delegates and senators.
Visit AOTA's Legislative Action Center to find your federal representatives and get quick contact information. This page will also give you a brief update on any relevant OT issues before the house and senate. States should have a link to individual representatives, if you live in Maryland, click here to find your state delegates and senators.
If you don't have a specific outreach topic, you can still send a note as a constituent to alert them to your profession and general concerns. Remember, you are an OT expert! If you have concerns that your clients have brought up (e.g. limited access to therapy visits) you can mention that as well. One of the best effects of our state Lobby Night has been the relationships that are developed between local therapists and their representatives. This can be maintained through emails or visits when they are back in their home office. A short moment to reach out may prove very helpful to you later.
Action tips during a congressional (or state legislator) recess
Tips for Writing to a Legislator
Tips for Writing to a Legislator
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