Bored of no training

Well another week has passed with very little training. Partly due to my achilles tendonitis (I really need to find a cure for this - ANY IDEAS ANYONE?), partly due to the fact I work too many hours and not forgetting my weekend trip to Liverpool with friends.

The last week passed with only one training session and that was on Sunday when I was tired due to a late Saturday night. I boosted my enthusiasm with some Emerge ( a cheap Red Bull alternative) and set out on the bike, much to the behest of my weary body. I cycled 14km before having an amusing fall while stationary in my local's car park, talking to a friend. My seat post decided to loosen itself and as I was clipped in I toppled over. No damage done (to man or machine) apart form to my pride as it was witnessed by my friend. Average speed was 20 km/h but I topped out at 42km/h somewhere.

At this point I should make a special mention to Captain Clivey, who has taken up the baton of blogging about his quest to complete an ironman after finding this blog. I even got a personal thanks and mention.

Now onto the more pressing issue of my achilles tendonitis, it's been six irritating weeks and I still can't run, which is really starting to grate as with the hours I work running is the only real option I have during the week. I saw that Mark Proctor (GB Canoeing elite athlete and someone who I have got to know from my other hobby as a photographer) has been given a Bioflow Sport Wristband to trial and I am starting to wonder if magnotherapy could be the way forward to assist in the healing process as the stretching, ibuprofen and rest don't seem to be doing the trick?

Does anyone know of any sure fire cures for tendonitis? There are only 26 weeks and five days until my event and I am already six weeks behind on running training, although I am still training which is a good thing as my fitness is improving.

After having trialled Zipvit Sport's sample box, I have also decided to purchase some supplements (caffeine energy bars and protein bars) to assistt with my training regime. I even got a free pair of leg warmers thanks to their current offer. The energy gels are very tasty and same to do the trick, I'm still not keen on protein bars but these are necessary for recovery.

Next on my shopping list is a heart monitor so I can get the best out of my training, I'm just waiting on the delivery of a barely used one from an acquaintance.

I probably shouldn't mention this until it has been confirmed but there is a possibility of my story being used by Cancer Research as they publicise the London Triathlon. Finger's crossed as they have been in touch and like the blog.

Remember you can still sponsor me in my quest to complete the triathlon for Cancer Research using my Justgiving page.

Thanks for reading and I'm sorry it's not more training orientated.


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