The Best Apple Crisp Ever {Featuring Pinata Apples}

My family loves fruit especially apples. Everyone loves to eat them, but my favorite way to enjoy apples is in a dessert. I feel a bit odd posting a apple desserts in the middle of winter, but I couldn't resist.

As part of the Walmart Moms Program, I was asked if I wanted to sample a box of the new Pinata Apples from Stemilt. I said yes of course since were huge apple lovers. I was really excited and couldn't wait to taste this new apple variety.

I love baking with apples during the fall season, but when winter rolls around juicy sweet apples can be slim pickins. No worries though because Stemilt Growers harvests Piñata Apples in mid-October.

The flavor of the apples intensify in cold storage, so Stemilt growers wait to pack and ship the apples until January. This is great news, because now I can enjoy great tasting apples not only in the fall, but in winter as well.

After my sample box arrived I put a few aside so I could bake up sweet treat. I'm so glad I did because the apples disappeared in just a couple days. I was reading on their website that the Pinata Apple is the perfect apple for Foodies.

These apples are great for cooking and baking, because they have the same thin skin as Golden Delicious apples enabling them to adapt to cooking temperatures. With that being said I was anxious to get started.

I knew exactly what I wanted to make, apple crisp. Not any apple crisp my friends, but in my opinion The Best Apple Crisp Ever! I have tried several fruit crisp recipes, but I always end up coming back to this one.

The first time I tried this recipe was out of curiosity. You see most fruit crisp recipes contain oatmeal and this one did not, so I had to try it. Well, it ended up being the best apple crisp I have ever tasted. Now when I make a apple crisp this is my go to recipe.

The apples cooked up perfectly and the skin baked up silky soft. I really enjoyed the Sweetango apples that I tried back in September, but the Pinata Apple is my new favorite. I love how well they hold up when baked.

Piñata Apples will be available in Walmart stores nationwide in February. For more great recipes and information on this new apple variety visit their website, Piñata Apples. You can also follow them through Facebook and Twitter.

I have included some step by step photos of this easy peasy apple crisp. The full recipe is at the end of this post.

Start by adding a single layer of cinnamon sugar directly into a un greased 8 by 8 or 9 by 9 inch baking pan. Layer sliced apples sprinkling a cinnamon and sugar mixture in between each layer.

Use enough cinnamon and sugar to cover each layer. Once apples are to the top of the pan, cover with final layer of cinnamon and sugar. Mix the vanilla extract and apple cider together in a measuring cup.

Pour the apple cider mixture over the apples. Mix the 3 toppings ingredients (flour, sugar, margarine or butter) together with a mixer or a pastry cutter until crumbly. Cover the apples with the topping. Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown and bubbly.

Cool and serve. Top with a scoop of vanilla ice, whipped cream or serve it plain. The longer it sits the crispier the topping gets.

The Best Apple Crisp Ever

5 - 6 apples, peeled and sliced
1/2 - cup sugar
1 - tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 - cup apple cider or apple juice
1 - teaspoon vanilla extract

1 - cup all purpose flour
1 - cup sugar
1 - stick cold butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a small bowl mix the cinnamon and sugar together. Add a single layer of cinnamon sugar directly into a un greased 8 by 8 or 9 by 9 inch baking pan.

Layer sliced apples sprinkling cinnamon and sugar mixture in between each layer. Make sure to use enough cinnamon and sugar to cover each layer.

Once apples are to the top of the pan, cover with final layer of cinnamon and sugar. Mix the vanilla extract and apple cider together in a measuring cup. Pour the apple cider/apple juice over the apples.

Using a pastry cutter, fork or mixer blend the 3 toppings ingredients together until crumbly. Cover the apples with the topping. Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown and bubbly. Cool and serve.

Recipe courtesy of: Muriel Ashley/FoodNation

Cook's Note: The original recipe from Muriel Ashley stated to only use margarine, but I have had great success using both margarine or butter. 

I am participating in the Walmart Moms Program. Stemilt Growers provided me with a sample box of apples for the purpose of this review. I have been compensated for my time and efforts in creating this post. Participation in this program is voluntary and the opinions stated above are entirely my own.

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