Shopping friends and training

During the weekend I met up with some friends and was encouraged to hear that some are planning on coming to London to watch my do the triathlon. This was really good news as I thought it would just be my family that would make the trip.

Training hasn't been going to well. After my idea to switch my training days from Monday, Wednesday and Friday to Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday (as it suited my transient lifestyle better). I haven't trained since last Wednesday essentially that means I've lost a week. The weather has played a massive part in this and even when I had planned on training yesterday, this proved unfruitful as I didn't get to the hotel until 8 pm.

I now have a training partner back home who will be going running and swimming with me which is a bonus.

Now my shopping list has taken shape and this triathlon lark is a lot more expensive than I first considered.

Bike - between £600 and £3000 so we'll plump for £1000 at the top end
Helmet - £50
Prescription goggles (better to be safe than sorry) - £25.00
Wetsuit - £150
Trisuit - £100
Prescription sunglasses - £150

And now for the things that have been recommended by someone who used to do this expensive sport.

Turbotrainer for bike - £200
Bike computer - £25
Heart rate monitor for use in training - £100

All in all with the £200 I have already spent on running stuff and headphones and songs to train with that totals around £2000.

Wonderful. Why couldn't I pick something cheaper?

Can't wait for training tonight. Anyone who knows me will be amazed that I am looking forward to exercising.  Bring it on. Plus I need a pick up from the endorphins as this giving up smoking lark ain't easy at all.



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