Top 10 subplots for Wednesday's Alaska - B-Meg match

Jolas: let's just be friends!
1. Tim Cone versus Joel Banal
For Banal to gain any form of recognition or leverage over his "teacher," he must go through the same obstacles that those before him did. As Hall of Fame wrestler Ric Flair aptly put it "to be the man (whooo!) you have to beat the man! (whooo!)." Siot Tanquincen did it over his mentor Jong Uichico years back (and now look at them, the odd couple at the Ginebra bench with Siot playing the nagging wife and Uichico the Zen-like husband who cherishes the shadows). Is Banal's flex triangle better than Cone's triple post offense? Better yet, when all principles of the triangle are thrown out the window (since both teams are still in the awkward adjustment period) and the coaches go the more traditional route, who makes the right calls at the right time?

2. Sampayan Brigade versus Twin Towers
Rafi Reavis, Rico Maierhofer, Marc Pingris, Kerby Raymundo and Joe DeVance (whew!) versus Sonny Thoss and JayR Reyes (and Samigue Eman, if he ever finds himself on the floor). From the onset, the advantage has to be in B-Meg's favor heigh and rebounding wise. Also, the Llamados have a bruising front liner in John Ferriols who has more pro and amateur championships under his belt than all these players combined (college, MBA, PBL, PBA and so on).

3. Best damn point guard today vs the future
Alaska's L.A. Tenorio versus B-Meg's "PG of the future" Mark Barroca. While I still have my reservations in calling Tenorio as the best PG in the league today, the field is heavy with pretenders (shooting guards posing as PGs Roger Yap, Jayjay Helterbrand, Alex Cabagnot) and guys who are stuck in crowded rotations (Mike Cortez, Denok Miranda, Jayson Castro, Ryan Reyes). It's funny because, it wasn't that long ago when San Miguel drafted Tenorio and was all-hyped up to make him their franchise point guard before a lopsided trade with Alaska for Mike Cortez. A few years later and Tenorio rose among the ranks while Cortez sort of plateaued in his place as a solid-but-not-great PG. Now, team SMC can make/ or is making amends through young Mark Barroca who they've already invested on by bringing in no less than Johnny Abarrientos (and even Cone). Hopefully, Barroca has a better game with Tenorio who's just about his size (you really can't blame him for that awful performance versus Petron, Denok Miranda is a BEAST).

4. James Yap versus the 2x MVP hype
The more times Yap jacks up a good-looking, long three ball and misses, the more we question the league for making him its Most Valuable Player awardee two times running. He hasn't played a lick of defense since his U.E. days, has average handles for a guard and settles for jumpers way too often. "Man of a million moves" my sweet ass Mico Halili. Yap can't hold a candle to Dondon Hontiveros-prime (which was back when he was with the Cebu Gems, and with San Miguel in 2007-09 when he was the outright go-to-guy).

5. P.J. Simon versus any available shot
Yes he was lauded for carrying the team in their first game, but from where I'm seated, the guy was simply calling his own number (and making them, fortunately). Should he be B-Meg's main man instead of Yap? I agree. But not in this manner where he has one too many talented teammates to not be running the offense and sharing the ball.

6. Mac Baracael versus Marc Pingris
Here's a scenario that I'll bet will happen: both players will try to box each other out for a rebound, their arms will get tangled (consciously for both) and they will both fall to the floor and curse each other out and engage in childish stare downs. Double technical fouls. Book it.

7. Sonny Thoss versus Joe DeVance
Did Alaska make the right move by keeping Thoss and letting JDV walk over to B-Meg without asking for anything in return? If JDV makes his outside shots, then the game's practically over for the Aces since it will force Thoss (or even Reyes) out of the box-- therefore surrendering precious rebounds to the Sampayan Brigade.

8. Fred Uytengsu versus the forces of darkness (Noli Eala, Ramon Ang, PBA conspirators etc.)
Why did JDV walkover to B-Meg when Alaska gave him the same contract? Why did Cone leave as well? Why was Alaska the league's highest spending team (before the salary cap increase) when they only had one and a half superstars (Tenorio, Cyrus Baguio)? God help Fred's sanity.

9. Group hug
The buzzer sounds and it's game over. Will the Aces shake their former coach's hand and hug him like you would a long-time no-see ex? Or will they throw deathly stares his way and rue him for leaving them with Banal?

10. E.Cow versus B-Meg Derby Ace's unnamed cock and pig combo
Seriously, what are their names?

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