Liam is 2!

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Liam's Grandma Olson has been trying to teach him to say "2" and hold 2 fingers up when someone asks "How old are you?" Liam loves the number 2, he counts 1-2 all of the time, but he will never say 1-2-3. He always stops at 2 and then skips to 7!

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So now when Gammies says, "How old are you?" Liam promptly says, "Three!" and smiles and runs off. He refuses to say two. Wish us luck keeping up with this kid, he is full steam ahead on everything, even his sense of humor.

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When people meet Liam, they are most likely to say, "He's sooooo cute!" Which is nice, except for the surprise in their voices. Let's try to hide the shock a little better folks, Bill and I didn't think we were Shrek and Fiona embarking on a brood of little ogres! Jeez!

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Liam's personality is so much more important and endearing than his sweet little face and cheeks. I am referring to his little tush by the way, which I pat so much he now chases me around saying "Butt!" while he tries to spank me. Ooops.

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Liam is outdoorsy, before he could talk he would point at his snowsuit to let us know he wanted to go outside, in the 25 degree weather.

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He loves cars! Here he is, setting up a caravan during a camping trip in northern Idaho, summer 2001.

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Liam's "siblings" get lots of love and attention. He likes to help feed them and snuggle. One of his favorite words is "Help!" He likes to help mommy make breakfast, do the dishes, laundry, and even sweep. Helping is lots of fun, mommy encourages this and hope it continues for the next 16 years.

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Liam spent the summer of 2011 at the pool.  He likes the "Big Pool" where mommy and daddy lap swim, we're hoping its a lifelong love for him.

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He really is a water baby, don't give him the hose, he will chase you with it.

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Liam loves his cousins, and he has a lot of them too! He calls them "Cuz" and they are the only little girls he will let hug him. I'm sure that will change.

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Liam loves spicy and flavorful foods. His favorites: spaghetti, chili, and anything Pop Pops (grandpa) cooks.

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Seriously, this kid really is cute. He said his first sentence a few weeks ago, "I got it!" in reference to something in his nose.

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Mommy is relentless with the outfits and photos.

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Mommy and Liam like to go out together with the jogging stroller. We are on the Centennial Trail in Spokane almost everyday. Liam loves to "Run!" which means he runs while mommy pushes the stroller behind him. He will go half a mile or more before mommy tries to persuade him back in the stroller. If we are sitting still, he will literally run circles around me. He loves to run!

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Liam also loves trails and will wander along without a thought of where mommy is. We'll cautiously encourage this love.

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He also loves the Spokane River and would like to stop and throw rocks anywhere there are rocks and water.

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Liam's 2nd birthday party where we had a spooky scavenger hunt and too much cake!

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If you're wondering if Liam will get an ogre sibling... time will tell. This child is our love and joy and we would be happy to have another, but if that doesn't happen, we're quite content to chase this one around for as long as he will let us. Given that he told me "Don't!" when I tried to follow him into the play area yesterday, the chasing won't go on long enough. We love you little boy. Please let mommy and daddy chase you for a very long time.

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