My toddler won't nap so...

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It was a beautiful fall day today, I had the afternoon off from work, and Fedex just delivered a birthday gift I gave myself, a set of 70 Unison soft pastels in landscape colors. Heaven! All I have to do is get the boy down for a nice long nap and I can sit on my front porch swing and paint. Is 1pm too early for a beer?

Nighty-nights little one! 10 minutes later I hear some toddler bellowing, "Maaaa MAAAAAAAAA!" No. No no no!!!! I can hear my toddler jumping and down in his crib and by the sound of things, he is not going to sleep anytime soon. Ugh.

He napped pretty well in the Burley bike trailer we bought from a guy on Craigslist the other day. If I can get it rigged up, mommie can go for a ride in the sun and wee one can snooze afterall.

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Genius! Within 5 minutes of setting out on the Centennial Trail, the toddler was out and mommie had her peace.

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The Spokane River is perfect this time of year!

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We got about 8 miles out before he woke up. We had a little break by the river, and then I managed to get him back in the trailer for the return trip home. He wasn't super happy about it so we took another little break at Krispy Kremes for ice cream (you can smell the doughnuts around the mile 9 marker).

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The return trip home was great after that!

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16 miles on a mtn bike towing a trailer on a sunny day. Precious time with my son. Can we do this again tomorrow?

I stopped just before the Maringo trail head to take a photo of the river I have been trying to capture. I wanted to wade into this calm section so I could get a water level view. So in I went, I had tri shorts on and trail running shoes and before I knew it, I was up to my chest in cold Spokane River water and I was nowhere near the middle of the river where I envisioned the photo being taken.

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Then it occurred to me, get a boat, genius. Ugh.

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