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Bill and I decided it was time to stop being such losers and to get out and see some friends and family. We booked 3 one way tickets and were off to Denver to visit with Bill's old buddies, friends he has had since jr. high. The guys are all 40+ now, with kids, and of course, VERY lovely wives. Bill got a surprise phone call the first day of vacation: an offer for a job he had been hoping for (and had interviewed for months earlier).

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It had been a looooonnnnnggg haul to this job offer, so we were really happy it came through, however, we were on day 1 of a 8 day trip and we had lots of arrangements to make since mommy already works and we have a wee one. So the trip was not without its distractions. Regardless, our hosts were wonderful and we headed out to their condo in Brekenridge with their wee one for a long weekend.

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Brekenridge is a great ski town and I'm not just saying that because I was giddy from the elevation (9600 feet) and the great CO beer. Our hosts had borrowed a Burley bike trailer for us to use and we hit the bike paths in the sun. Wonderful!

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The guys after "racing" each other up a hill. Ouch.

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Liam looking a little spacey, the elevation affected all of us.

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The next day we hit Vail which is even cuter than Breckenridge. I would definitely return to both towns again. We walked around the Vail "village" and enjoyed watching the kiddos explore. A day earlier, little miss Madeline had a hold of Liam's hand and would not let go. They toddled around holding hands for quite a while but once Liam got away, he never let that happen again, much to the dismay of the mommies.

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Beer and dudes.

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Wee one in a tube!

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After a great time in Denver, we headed off for Phoenix to visit family. Liam and I felt a cold coming on and in the 107 degree weather, we battled the flu for the rest of the trip. Luckily, the grandparents have a pool so we were able to enjoy that and spend lots of time with them.

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I ended up on antibiotics when I got home for an additional infection I contracted and I had to figure out a new work schedule and childcare for Liam. All in one week. But we survived that week and Bill's first week at work. We found great childcare to come to our home and we're both healthy and happy and glad for the trip and we miss friends and family already. 

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Travel is rough with a toddler but always worth it.

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