Glacier National Park
Lake McDonald in western Glacier National Park
So we saw Glacier from the car, which turned out to be nice but short because this park is for hiking! You can see great sights at some of the trail heads and pull-offs, but there is not enough parking at the pull-offs and the road is narrow. You have to be tenacious even if you are just driving through and we weren't so tenacious with a squirmy worm in the car seat so we hit the high points.
We saw a huge buck with a big rack of antlers trying to dart across the road and oddly, a big white mountain goat and a ram grazing together near the side of the road. But no bears.
Not going to swim here...
Fields of wildflowers all over around here that the camera doesn't pick up but it was lovely.
Bill enjoying lunch in the parking lot with the dog.
It was super windy that day so we were challenged to find a good spot for a picnic lunch. We ended up making sandwiches in the parking lot of the east side visitor's center and I had a great moment with Bill... I was squatting down between 2 cars to shield from the wind and I'm trying to spread mayo on bread that was flying away in the wind when Bill saunters up and declares, "I want tomatoes on my sandwich!"
Oh REALLY? Would you like stone ground mustard, organic lettuce, and salt and pepper on it too? Let me just pick the bread up off the asphalt first and I'll get right on it.
He now says he asked me if I wanted tomatoes on my sandwich so there you go, two sides to every story but I'm the one that writes the blog. We spent all morning driving through the park and decided to try to camp south of the park at Flat Head Lake which will be my next blog...
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