Girl's weekend, summer edition, 2011

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We moved to Spokane, WA almost one year ago and I've yet to make any close friends since we've been here. Mostly because I'm lazy, plus, I live with people, do you need more people? I probably need to join a triathlon club or something, it's getting pathetic. Luckily, I was able to convince my gorgeous and hilarious girlfriends from Oregon to come visit me in Spokane for the weekend.

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Our plan was to spend  2 nights at my house in Spokane and 1 night in nearby Coeur d'Alene. I reserved a boat rental for the final day so we would have some fun time to unwind on the water before they flew out. The only trouble with the boat rental was that none of us had ever driven a boat or had a lot of recent experience boating but hey, piloting a $50,000 ponton boat couldn't be that difficult, could it?

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So I'm not really going to tell what happened during the weekend, we ate good food, had amazing drinks, shopped, danced, laughed, swam, bounced on a water trampoline in bikinis, got a little too wild at times, and managed to drive a boat around without injuring anyone.

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My husband did have to rescue us a couple of times, most notably at the end of the weekend since I was too scared to drive the boat back across the lake and gas it up by myself after the girl's left for the airport. He doesn't look too unhappy about saving me.

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I know I need to invest in new friends here, but my old friends are just so damn good, I think I'll keep them too. Nostrils girls! Somewhere right now, a duck is farting.

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