Sunday Surprise Dose of Cute: Peep!

just hatched chick 1
Look what I just found

Joe and I have been using cool little two-way radios for years to keep in contact with each other around the farm. A few minutes ago, I stepped inside one of the chicken coops to give Whitey and her five cohorts (yes, 11-year-old Whitey is still alive!) some steak and lettuce scraps, and immediately pressed the talk button.


We've had lots of baby chicks hatch since Whitey started things off back in 2007, but I still get excited over every one.


Several of our hens are sitting on nests of eggs right now, so hopefully this little cutie pie will be hopping around with some friends real soon. In the meantime, I'm off to build a new place for mama and the kid to live!

Can't wait to see more baby chicks? Here are clicks to past years' pics:

The Daily Donkey 119: Dan Steps into the Snow (trying to think cool on this very hot day)

©, where sometimes you just have to stop everything and squeal peep with delight.

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